Getting involved on campus is a key part of the college experience. Luckily, the College of Communication and Information houses several student organizations to help you get involved in all things related to communication and information. The College also prepares students for the endless involvement opportunities across UK’s campus and beyond.

American Library Association Student Chapter at UK
The American Library Association student chapter is the student organization for UK's LIS graduate students. Membership in the ALA student chapter is free, and all School of Library and Information Science graduate students are automatically enrolled as members when they enter the program.
While membership in the national ALA is not required to participate in student chapter activities, graduate school is a great time to become involved in the largest organization of library and information science professionals in the world. By joining the national organization through the Joint Student Membership Program, you can gain access to the national organization and your state’s chapter for one lowered student rate. Currently, the yearly student rate to join ALA is $44.00.
As an ALA member, you will receive:
- Tangible benefits such as a subscription to American Libraries (11 issues per year)
- Discounts on ALA publications and graphics
- Member rates at conferences
- Special travel and tour benefits
- Voting privileges
- A copy of the Handbook of Organization
- Professional support through active national programs in legislation, intellectual freedom, standards, research, technology and more
- Information and networking for professional development
- A voice in the future of your profession
- Opportunities to serve on ALA committees and councils
The ALA @ UK student chapter seeks to enrich student’s graduate school experience by providing social, networking and professional development opportunities. For more information about our student chapter, you may contact any of the current officers or our faculty advisor (please see below). To view the chapter's constitution, click here. We also have a Facebook, Instagram and Discord where we post updated information about our events. The ALA @ UK Linktree is also kept up to date with links to our Zoom meetings, contact information and other happenings.
Throughout the year, ALA @ UK offers multiple events from virtual social mixers to book club discussions and game nights to our yearly Spring Student Conference. Please keep an eye on the listserv and our social media accounts for the most up-to-date information and exact dates of these events. We look forward to seeing you!
Current Officers (2023-2024)
- President: Aiden Stivers
- Vice President: Caitlin Hemphill
- Secretary: Patsy Carruthers
- Treasurer: Jamie Collins
- Social Media Chair: Jennifer Greening
- Distance Learning Representative: Lauren Savage
- Faculty Advisor: Sarah Barriage
Involvement Advising
Not sure which org is for you? Looking to get more involved at UK outside of CI? Click here to connect with an involvement advisor.