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Debate Trophies

Tournament Support

We expect that a number of tournaments will be offered in a virtual format over the course of the next few years. Hosting tournaments is inherently difficult, but transitioning them online can be even more so, due to the novelty of the format and technology involved.

One priority of the DSDI is to help tournaments successfully host online events. This will be executed through the production of manuals, how-to videos, webinars and offers of direct administrative support, in setting up and running of tournaments.

As the knowledge and ability to host online tournaments increases, we look forward to finding opportunities for online tournaments to expand speech and debate and improve the sustainability of our activity.



Click below for the DSDI manual.


How-To Videos

Learn how to navigate online tournament entry, common digital platforms and software for remote connection like Zoom.

Navigating an Online Tournament
Technology and Best Practices for Online Speech and Debate
Accessing Nationals Competition Rooms
Accessing Classrooms.Cloud Rooms
Basics of Zoom - Chat, Audio, Video and Participant Lists

Direct Support

Need assistance with running your online tournament?  Contact us.

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