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Exit Requirements

Students are eligible to graduate when they have done the following:

  1. Completed 36 hours of coursework for the MSLS degree.
  2. Completed LIS 600, 601, 602 and 603 before the semester they wish to graduate.
  3. Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for LIS coursework.
  4. Submitted and earned a passing grade on their exit assessment.

NOTE: Students may not submit an exit assessment in the same semester they are finishing a core class.

Please be sure you have submitted your advanced level educator packet or EPSB will not be able to confirm your enrollment in a certification program.

  1. Completed 36 hours of coursework for the MSLS degree.
  2. Completed LIS 600, 601, 602 and 603 before the semester they wish to graduate.
  3. Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for LIS coursework.
  4. Successfully completed all school librarian program requirements and applicable certification items including examinations (i.e., Praxis).
  5. Submitted and earned a passing grade on the exit assessment and completed all graduation paperwork.
  6. Successfully completed and submitted the certification portfolio for the school librarian program.

Exit Assessment

The exit assessment is the culminating experience in the library science program and serves as the program exit requirement for the MSLS degree. It provides the opportunity for students to reflect on and evaluate what they have learned and gained from the program, based on the four learning outcomes of the program:

  1. Describe how communities and individuals interact with/in information ecosystems.
  2. Analyze the major tenets of information practice and apply them in multiple contexts.
  3. Connect diverse communities and individuals with appropriate resources.
  4. Explain the dependence of information retrieval on the organization of information.

Students will self-enroll in a Canvas course shell for the purpose of developing the exit assessment. The exit assessment will be submitted and graded through Canvas.


The exit assessment is comprised of the learning outcomes reflective essay. The structure and requirements for the essay may be found in the exit assessment guidelines.



As you take core courses, you will complete assignments that contribute to your grasp of the four learning outcomes. This will continue with the electives that you choose. You are encouraged to keep notes that reflect on how the various assignments pertain to, and help advance your understanding of, the four learning outcomes.

You must submit graduation paperwork and notify your advisor that you plan to submit the exit assessment.

Submit your exit assessment to your advisor for review. Your advisor will review your learning outcomes essay and provide input.

You will submit your exit assessment by the due date posted at the beginning of each semester on the listserv and on the School website. Note that once you share your exit assessment for review in the Canvas shell, it is considered your final submission and it will be graded.

You will receive your final pass/fail grade for the exit assessment.


Graduation Procedures

Just before the start of each semester, SIS sends several e-mails to the listserv providing important instructions for students planning to graduate that semester. See the timeline below to see general dates for spring, summer and fall graduation deadlines: 

  • January - Spring graduation announcement sent over listserv  
  • February - Spring graduates submit paperwork  
  • March - Spring graduates submit exit assessments
  • April or early May - Summer graduation announcement sent over listserv  
  • May - Commencement for Spring graduates  
  • June - Summer graduates submit paperwork  
  • July - Summer graduates submit exit assessments  
  • August - Fall graduation announcement sent over listserv  
  • September - Fall graduates submit paperwork  
  • November - Fall graduates submit exit assessments  
  • December - Commencement for Summer and Fall graduates

Each student must complete the following steps to complete the graduation paperwork:

  1. Students are responsible for notifying SIS that they intend to graduate by filling out the Google form for their intended semester of graduation. The link to this form will be available in the email sent across the listserv.
  2. Students must also self-enroll in the Canvas shell which they will use to submit their exit assessments. Instructions for self-enrolling will be available in the email sent to the listserv.
  3. Students must apply for a degree through myUK. From the Student Services tab, students will choose MyRecords and then Apply for a Degree. Students should check the appropriate semester and degree. Please note that the degree should be listed as Master of Science in Library and Information Science. If the degree is listed as a Master of Arts degree, contact Ashley DeWitt immediately. Again, instructions will be available in the email sent to the listserv.
  4. Each student must also submit an exit assessment.

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Lexington, KY 40506-0224

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