- Review what will be expected of you here. You should find the answers to most questions you might have about COM 399.
- If you have satisfied the requirements for enrolling in COM 399, complete the COM 399 internship request form. If you meet the requirements, you will be enrolled in the course by the Department.
- If you need contact names and numbers, make an appointment to meet with Don Lowe, internship director, by sending an email with subject line: COM 399 APPT REQUEST. If you have an internship in mind, include the details in the email for review.
- You are responsible for setting up and going to interviews to decide on your internship.
- Attend the COM 399-semester kick-off meeting (an invite will be emailed to your official UK email address).
- Once you obtain your internship, download and print the letter to the supervisor and give it to your supervisor.
- Work with your supervisor to generate specifics goals for your internship. These goals become part of your learning contract. Click here to complete the COM 399 learning contract. Then, print the contract, sign it, obtain your supervisor’s signature and upload the signed document as a PDF or JPEG in Canvas under the learning contract assignment. For Fall/Spring terms, this contract must be submitted by the Friday of the second week of the semester. For Summer term, this contract must be submitted by the Friday of the first week.
- COM 399 will use Canvas for the administration of all assignments. Announcements from Canvas are also used to communicate with students so make sure the email you check is linked to the COM 399 Canvas page.
- During the semester you must complete all mandatory internship assignments. Click here for more information.
- At the end of your internship, have your supervisor fill out the supervisor evaluation.