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The School of Journalism and Media (JAM) has many opportunities for undergraduate students to obtain scholarship funding.


The College of Communication and Information utilizes ScholarshipUniverse, an online scholarship platform, to connect current and prospective students with College, UK and national scholarship opportunities and easily manage scholarship applications.

All scholarship applications besides the library sciences graduate scholarships are now located in ScholarshipUniverse. Both current students and prospective students with a linkblue ID can login to complete the student profile and search and apply for internal and external scholarship opportunities.


For more information on using ScholarshipUniverse, please click the button below.


If you have general questions regarding ScholarshipUniverse, please click here.

JAM Scholarships

Gidel/Lombardo Family For Academic and Program Excellence Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2005 in the School of Journalism and Media. The fund is to be used for support of scholarships, internships, workshops, distinguished alumni lectures, student travel, seminar speakers or publications that would enhance extracurricular student organizations and clubs, student recruitment and other related activities.

Hadley Darin Stein Scholarship Award

The scholarship is awarded to those students who have an interest in media production as a future career, who are Kentuckians, and are juniors or seniors at the University with an overall minimum GPA of 3.25.

John D. Chaplin Scholarship

This endowment was established to award a scholarship to an incoming freshman or returning undergraduate who declares his/her major in the School of Journalism and Media.

L. Niel Plummer Scholarship

This fund supports students that have demonstrated the potential for academic success. The award honors the memory of Plummer, director of the School of Journalism from 1940 to 1965. Plummer is a member of the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame (1982).

Shirley Rose Scholarship

This fund supports a full-time adult learner as defined by the endowment. An adult learner is defined as a student who has responsibilities other than those of a traditional student (i.e. is a single parent or employed full-time). A 500-word essay is required describing your status as an adult learner. Student must show financial need. The scholarship honors Shirley Rose, a 40-year UK employee and undergraduate advisor for the college. Rose retired in 2001.

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