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The University of Kentucky Scripps Howard First Amendment Center is accepting nominations for its James Madison Award, which honors a Kentuckian who is a champion of the First Amendment. The center, in the College of Communication and Information's School of Journalism and Media, is accepting nominations to recognize those whose contributions protect or expand First Amendment freedoms.
JAM Professor Jen Smith, who teaches introductory courses in journalism and sports reporting, was honored recently as a Teacher Who Made a Difference at the 2024 annual awards banquet held at Kroger Field held by the UK College of Education "to recognize educators who made a positive impact on the lives of their students."
779 College of Communication and Information students were named to the Dean’s List for their outstanding academic achievement during the Spring 2024 semester. The 779 students on the list account for more than one third of all current CI students. 
Al Cross, director emeritus of the Institute for Rural Journalism, delivered the 2024 Joe Creason Lecture on Tuesday, April 9.
University of Kentucky President Eli Capilouto has selected four student representatives to speak at the UK May 2024 Commencement Ceremonies, one of which is a CI student.
The University of Kentucky Chellgren Center for Undergraduate Excellence is honored to announce the 2024 class of Chellgren Student Fellows.
The University of Kentucky chapter of Phi Beta Kappa recently inducted 22 new members, including two CI students, into the prestigious academic honor society. 
Well-known journalist, Kentucky politics expert and University of Kentucky Professor Al Cross is scheduled to deliver the Joe Creason Lecture in Journalism at the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame ceremony, held by the UK School of Journalism and Media, at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, in the Gatton Student Center Grand Ballroom on the UK campus.
Eight CI students were inducted into the University of Kentucky chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta (ALD) National Honor Society on Feb. 28. 

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