Craig Kurz
Craig Kurz is a third generation founding family member of The HoneyBaked Ham Company, the nation’s oldest and largest specialty ham retailer. Kurz’s grandfather, Harry J. Hoenselaar, invented and patented the spiral slicing process and subsequently developed a unique curing, baking, smoking and glazing process, which resulted in the highest quality gourmet ham in the country.
After graduating from the University of Kentucky’s College of Communication and Information in 1984, Kurz established the marketing, sales and service functions for the retail and catalog operations at the HoneyBaked Ham Company of Ohio.
Craig was president of the National HoneyBaked Ham Co. Board of Directors and the licensor of the HoneyBaked Ham Co., from June 2003 to May 2015.
In 2003, Craig was honored as an Entrepreneurial Fellow in the Thomas C. Page Center for Entrepreneurship at Miami University. Also in 2003, the HoneyBaked Ham Company was inducted into the Family Business Hall of Fame at Case Western Reserve University.
In August 2015, Craig joined the iNET Board, Innovation Network for Entrepreneurial Thinking, at the University of Kentucky, where he became a mentor to students.