UK’s commitment to your success doesn’t end at graduation. All alumni are invited to use these alumni resources to manage your career - any time.

Alumni Career Services
UK has alumni career counselors ready to assist Active and Life Members in person, via Zoom, over the phone or via email. The Alumni Career Services program is available to any alumni with more than 12 hours and offers professional development and job search programming including timely webinars, virtual and in-person networking events and online resources for all UK alumni and friends.

UK uses Handshake to allow employers to post jobs for students and alumni. More than 14,000 universities use Handshake and there are currently more than 30,000 jobs posted in the platform. UK alumni also can use Handshake to search for jobs, create a search agent, read company reviews and find alums or students who have worked for companies you may be considering for employment.
Individuals who have positions that might interest CI students and alumni are encouraged to post them in Handshake as well. For more information about Handshake, please contact

Wildcat Network
The UK Alumni Association recently launched The Wildcat Network, a free online community exclusive to University of Kentucky alumni, students, parents and campus partners. The Wildcat Network provides a directory and mentorship platform and is designed to empower connections across the globe through personal and professional networks.
The Wildcat Network serves as a platform for:
- finding, reconnecting and engaging with fellow Wildcats;
- building a professional network;
- mentoring alumni and students;
- staying in the loop on virtual and in-person events; and
- employment opportunities.
Register for the Wildcat Network using your Linkedin credentials and let the College know if you would be willing to mentor a student, present to a class and/or hire a student for an internship or full-time position during registration.

Follow the College of Communication and Information on LinkedIn to stay up to date with what CI students and alumni are up to as well as to engage with other CI alumni and learn about upcoming alumni events.