CI recognizes faculty excellence by compiling a list of publications, presentations, seminars, panels, funded projects, awards and more.
Publications and Presentations
Soohyung Joo (SIS), Maria Cahill (SIS) & Luke LeFebvre (SIS)
- Joo, S., Cahill, M., LeFebvre, L., & Garcia, A. (accepted for publication in early 2025). Understanding motivations, goals, supports, and challenges for implementing virtual storytime programs: Insights from library directors. Journal of Library Administration, 65(2).
Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Oltmann, S. M., Wagner, T., & Martell, A. (2024). The people behind the research: How three researchers utilized their diverse positionality to study LGBTQ+ archives. Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology.
- Connors-Joyner, J., Sands, A., Potnis, D., Oltmann, S. M., & Acker, A. (2024). Workshop: Research proposal writing for IMLS. Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology.
- Book bans and the fight to stop censorship. (2024). Purdue University. Keynote for Banned Books Week. Audience: regional.
- Fanning the flames: Why book bans are on the rise and what we can do about it. (2024). Mississippi University for Women. Banned Books Week Celebration. Audience: regional.
- Intellectual freedom in libraries today. (2024). West Lafayette Public Library, Banned Books Week. Audience: regional.
Shannon Oltmann (SIS) & Meghan Dowell (SIS)
- Oltmann, S. M., & Espinoza-Vasquez, F. (2024). How social media affordances mediate the digital diaspora: Latinx perspectives. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI), 8(2), 7-28.
Fatima Espinoza-Vasquez (SIS) & Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Espinoza-Vasquez, F., & Oltmann, S.M. (Accepted). Information precarity and microaggressions: How race-based trauma mediates Latinx information practices. Journal of Documentation.
Daniela Di Giacomo (SIS)
- Alkam, S. & DiGiacomo, D. (2024). “The State of Information and Media Literacy Policy in K-12 Schools and Recommendations for Advancements in Media Literacy Standards.” State Education Standard. National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE).
- Muetterties, C., DiGiacomo, D., & Childs, D. (2024). “United We Stand: Examining Core Criteria for the Kentucky Civic Seal Program.” Kentucky Civic Education Coalition & Kentucky Council for the Social Studies.
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC)
- Jeong, Hyun Ju (2024). The warm-glow effect of consumer purchase in cause-related marketing: with roles of purchase type and consumption context. International Journal of Advertising, 1–25.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Namjoo Choi (SIS)
- Topic: "Open Source Software (OSS) in Libraries"
- Date: September 18, 2024
- No recording due to technical difficulties on the day of the presentation.
CI Research Seminar Series: Kyra Hunting (JAM)
- Topic: "Press Start Not Play: How 1990's Video Games Paved the Way for Today's Interactive Children's Brands."
- Date: October 23, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Nancy Harrington (COM)
- Topic: "Oncologists' Perceptions of Strategies for Discussing the Cost of Care with Cancer Patients and the Meaning of Those Conversations."
- Date: November 13, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Topic: "From book bans to information precocity: How and why to push back on censorship."
- Date: December 11, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
Funded Projects
Shannon Crawford-Barniskis (SIS)
- Funded grant award by Institute of Museum and Library Services (Laura Bush 21st Century Early Career Development Research Grant) for Shannon Crawford-Barniskis, PI:"The Trustee Project: Understanding public library Trustee Selection, Training, and Collaboration for Equity, Access, and Civic Engagement." $444,923.
Publications and Presentations
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS) & Sean Burns (SIS)
- Burns, C.S., Pusateri, J., & DiGiacomo, D. (accepted and in press Summer 2024). Learning by doing: An online, open-source course design approach to systems librarianship. Journal of Education for Library and source course design approach to systems librarianship. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- Nelligan, P. DiGiacomo, D., Chew, P., Mejias, S., Peppler, K. & Sefton-Green, J. (accepted in Summer 2024). Exploring the long-term impact of out-of-school arts participation among minoritized youth. International Journal of Research on Extended Education.
- DiGiacomo, D. & the Kentucky Student Voice Team. (2024). The Power Should be Balanced: Central Dimensions of Healthy Intergenerational Partnerships. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research.
Brandi Frisby (SIS), Amanda Lawrence (SIS) & Mark Ribott (COM PhD)
- Frisby, B. N., Sidelinger, R. J., Lawrence, A., & Ribott, M. (2024). Students’ peer network quality: Effects on academic resilience and intention to persist. Review of Communication.
- Frisby, B. N., Sidelinger, R. J., Tatum, N. T., & McMullen, A. (2024). When online learning goes wrong: Using humor to cope and to build resilience. Communication Research Reports.
Andy Pilny (COM)
- Xiang, L., Mirakhur, Z., Pilny, A., & Krall, R. (2024). Measuring and comparing high school teachers’ and undergraduates students’ knowledge of complex systems. Education Sciences. 14(8), 837-857.
Sarah Barriage (SIS) & Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Barriage, S., Betler, S., Lawler, R., Byrd Fort, V., Thorne, J., Kitzie, V., & Oltmann, S. M. (2024). A content analysis of picture books read during drag storytimes in public libraries. Public Library Quarterly. Advance online publication.
Nancy Harrington (COM)
- Merchant, R. C., Harrington, N. G., Clark, M. A., Liu, T., Morgan, J. R., Cowan, E. A., Solnick, R. & Wyler, B. A. (in press). Testing a persuasive health communication intervention (PHCI) for emergency department patients who declined rapid HIV/HCV screening: A randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open.
Erika Engstrom (JAM)
- Catholic Horror on Television: Haunting Faith (2024), by R. Beliveau, L. Bolf-Beliveau, R. DeFoster, and Erika Engtrom. Roman & Littlefield.
Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Oltmann, S. M. (2024). How to help libraries facing book challenges. Kentucky Libraries, 88(2), 20-24.
- Strover, S., Oltmann, S. M., Ali, C., & Kammer, J. (2024). Special issue: Information access practices. Journal of Information Policy, 14.
- Wagner, T., Martell, A., & Oltmann, S. M. (Accepted). ‘It’s not the materials themselves, it’s the attitude of the donors’: The role of community accountability in the sustainability of queer archives. Archivaria.
- Oltmann, S. M. (Accepted). Accessing queer content in one U.S. state: The role of CIPA and internet filters. Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy.
Shannon Oltmann (SIS) & Fatima Espinoza-Vasquez (SIS)
- Oltmann, S. M., & Espinoza-Vasquez, F. (2024). How social media affordances mediate the digital diaspora: Latinx perspectives. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI), 8(2), 7-28.
Zixue Tai (JAM)
- Zixue Tai, Huan Chen, & Yan Li (2024). Problematic Smartphone Use and Addiction Among Middle School and High School Students in China: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Sean Burns (SIS)
- Burns, C.S., & Islam, M.A. (2024). A citation analysis examining geographical specificity in article titles. Scientometrics.
Jess Dominguez (COM)
- Dominguez, J. & Hall, J. A. (accepted). Ongoing, co-constructed, and coordinated communication: Need Fulfillment in Texting Conversations. Western Journal of Communication.
Xun Zhu (COM)
- Zhu, X., & Kim, Y. (2024). Mitigating identity threat in health messaging: A social identity complexity perspective. Health Communication. Advance online publication.
Luke LeFebvre (SIS)
- LeFebvre, L. (in press). Public speaking instant replay. In S. Kelly & S. Prentiss (Eds.), Stories from the trenches: The haha’s, oh no’s and as ifs that lead to better how-to’s in the classroom. Cambridge Scholars.
Luke LeFebvre (SIS) & Derek Lane (COM)
- LeFebvre, L., LeFebvre, L. E., Lane, D. R., & Allen, M. (2024). Collaborative student-to-student communication during team-based learning test-taking. Review of Communication. Advanced online version:
Luke LeFebvre (SIS), Maria Cahill (SIS), Averi Cole (SIS) & Soohyung Joo (SIS)
- LeFebvre, L., Jaromczyk, J. W., Kellems, B. N., Tapia, A. C., Cahill, M., Cole, A., Joo, S., & Garcia, A. (2024). My child does more than sit for virtual read-aloud: An exploratory human pose estimation study. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 571–576.
- Joo, S., Cahill, M., LeFebvre, L., Garcia, A., & Cole, A. (2024). Factors affecting librarians’ intentions to engage in virtual storytimes. Library Hi Tech. Advanced online version:
Maria Cahill (SIS), Luke LeFebvre (SIS) & Soohyung Joo (SIS)
- Garcia, A., Eubank, K., Cahill, M., Starr, L., LeFebvre, L., Joo, S., & Cozart, D. (accepted). Supporting libraries to serve the holistic needs of the community: Insights from fathers served by social service systems. Library Quarterly.
- Joo, S., Cahill, M., Garcia, A., & LeFebvre, L. (2024). Public virtual storytimes: When, how, and with what supports. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science. Advanced online version:
Don Helme (COM)
- Joyce C.N., Richman, A.R., Cox, M.J., Helme, D.W., Jackson, J.T., Sesay, M., Egan, K.L. (2024). Perceptions of disposal options for unused opioid analgesics among people who have been prescribed an opioid analgesic in North Carolina. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1–12.
- Lewis, N., Eggleston, B., Chandler, R. K., Goddard-Ekrich, D., Luster, J. E., Beard, D. D., Rodgers, E., Chahine, R., Westgate, P. M., Benjamin, S., Holloway, J., Clarke, T., Lefebvre, R. C., Stein, M. D., Helme, D. W., Reynolds, J., Walsh, S. W., Freedman, D.,… Slater, M. D. (accepted). Stigma and efficacy beliefs regarding opioid use disorder treatment and naloxone in communities participating in the HEALing communities study intervention. PLOS ONE.
Funded Projects
Erin Hester (ISC)
- Extramural contract by KY Department for Public Health (KY Cabinet for Health & Family Services) for Erin B. Hester, PI: "Social Marketing to Increase Lung Cancer Screening in Kentucky." $120,000. Grant will begin on July 1, but was officially entered in April.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Nicky Lewis (COM)
- Topic: "Athlete Representations in Sports Media: Content & Effects."
- Date: March 20, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Rachel Amey & Andrew Slaughter from the Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Topic: "The Future of Talent Management in the Army: Transforming to a Skills-Based Organization"
- Date: March 27, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Kathryn Montalbano (JAM)
- Kathryn Montalbano has received a paper acceptance (forthcoming) in Communication Law and Policy, titled: "Suspect Speech and the Abolitionist Mail Controversy of 1835: A Precursor for Digital Reform."
Erin Hester (ISC)
- Hester, E. B. (2024). Unraveling moral evaluations: A qualitative exploration of young individuals’ causal beliefs and moral emotions. American Behavioral Scientist.
- Hester, E. B., & Wise, K. A. (2024, April 4-6). Cultivating health: Exploring morally framed messages on fungicide use and human resistance in agriculture [competitive paper presentation]. 2024 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication: Innovations in Health Communication, Lexington, KY, United States.
- Strakovsky, D., Hester, E. B., Montgomery-Yates, Ashley A., Glueck, A. C., Topp, R. V., Riggs, M. A., & Eby, C. M. (2024, April 9). Rapid ideation and prototyping pipeline: The backbone for effective transdisciplinary collaboration around human-centered design in digital health [competitive poster presentation]. 2024 University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science Spring Conference: Dissemination and Implementation Across the Translational Spectrum, Lexington, KY, United States.
Carey L. Higgins-Dobney (JAM)
- Carey L. Higgins-Dobney (2024). Make slot not art: Creativity and burnout in U.S. local television newsrooms, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2024.2352774
- Carey L. Higgins-Dobney (2024). Unions strike a balance of power between newsroom workers and newsroom owners. Journalism & Communication Monographs, 26(2) 169–172.
Andy Pilny (COM)
- Pilny, A., & Schecter, A. (in press). Social networks and cognition. In T. Reimer, L. van Swol, & A. Florack (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Communication and Social Cognition. Routledge.
Jessalyn Vallade (SIS)
- Vallade, J. I., & Rudick, C. K. (accepted). You don’t have to be their best friend: Complicating the instructor-student relationship through a mixed-method typology. Journal of Communication Pedagogy.
Xun Zhu (COM)
- Zhu, X. (2024). Racial disparities in medical crowdfunding: The role of sharing disparity and humanizing narratives. Health Communication. Advance online publication.
Nicky Lewis (COM)
- Lewis, N., & Bell, T. R. (2024). A content analysis of violent penalties and their role in sanitizing NFL broadcasts. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Advance online publication.
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC)
- Hyun Ju Jeong (2024). The power of anthropomorphic spokesperson for environmental CSR communication: With mediation of psychological closeness and moderation of typefaces. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. doi: 10.1080/10641734.2024.2334958
- Mikyoung Kim and Hyun Ju Jeong (2024). Unveiling the dynamics of social media influencer-driven CSR advertising: The role of sponsorship disclosure and perceived similarity. Asian Journal of Communication. doi: 10.1080/01292986.2024.2350941
Weilu Zhang (ISC)
- Zhang, W., Tsou, T., Rodgers, S., & Willett, J. F., (2024). Comparing Personalization Strategies in Social Network Advertising: The Role of Impression Motivation in Persuasion Outcomes. Special issue on AI and social media advertising in the Journal of Interactive Advertising.
Marko Dragojevic (COM)
- Dragojevic, M., Giles, H., Goatley-Soan, S., & Dayton, Z. (in press). Americans’ attitudes toward British accents: The role of social categorization, perceived group prototypicality, and processing fluency. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Funded Projects
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- Funded grant award by EduDream (Gates Foundation) for Daniela DiGiacomo, Co-PI: "Better Together: How inclusive design as a policy process impacts stakeholder understanding, ownership, and engagement in assessment and accountability innovation - Allen County, Kentucky Case Study." $160,000.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Scott Johnson (CITS)
- Topic: "CI Resources to Enhance Research: A Demonstration and Q&A for COMMTV - a Searchable, Streamable, 14yr Television Archive and the CI SONA Research Subject Pool"
- Date: January 17, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Renee Kaufmann (SIS)
- Topic: "From Theory to Practice: Unveiling Insight from Ten Years of Research on Online Learning and Instructional Communication."
- Date: February 21, 2024
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Luke LeFebvre (SIS)
- LeFebvre, L., JaRomczyk, J. W., Allen, M., LeFebvre, L. E., Tan, G., Dao, M., & Tapia, A. (2024). Speaker nonverbal unintentionality: An OpenPose intervention for engineering students. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Southeastern Section Conference.
- Dao, M., & LeFebvre, L. (2024). Mathematical data science team-based instruction for student engagement in cross-listed courses. Proceedings of the International Congress on Mathematical Education.
- Allen, M., LeFebvre, L., Straight, B., LeFebvre, L. E., Boeder, M., & Bourhis, J. (2024). Meta-analysis evaluating the factor structure of the teacher confirmation scale. Top Four Paper presented to the Communication Education Division at the Central States Communication Association, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Maria Cahill (SIS) and Luke LeFebvre (SIS)
- Cahill, M., Cole, A., Joo, S., LeFebvre, L., & Garcia, A. (2024). Public library virtual storytimes: The whys, why nots, and measures of success. Journal of Library Administration, 64(2), 224–242.
Kimberly Parker (ISC), Sarah Geegan (ISC) and Bobi Ivanov (ISC)
- Parker, K. A., Geegan, S. A., Palamidovska-Sterjadovska, N., Ciunova-Shuleska, A., Ivanov, B., Pfeiffer, S., & Tristan, A. (accepted). Subjective norms and social networks driving young Macedonians’ COVID-19 vaccine decisions. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social and Community Studies.
Erika Engstrom (JAM)
- Engstrom, E., & Stephenson, D. (2024). Audio and video journalism. In V. Filak (Ed.), Convergent journalism (4th ed.) (pp. 99-119). Routledge.
Andy Pilny (COM)
- Sommerfeldt, E., Pilny, A., & Saffer, A. (in press). Network dynamics of civil society: A longitudinal study in Malaysia amidst changing political opportunity structures. HumanCommunication Research.
Andy Pilny (COM) and Kelly McAninch (COM)
- Pilny, A., McAninch, K., Slone, A., & Moore, K. (in press). From manual to machine: Assessing the efficacy of large language models in content analysis. Communication Research Reports.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- DiGiacomo, D., Taylor, C., Muetertties, C., Trapp, S., Isaacs, C., & New, R. (2024). “Re-developing democratic classrooms: K-12 social studies for the common good,” in O’Hair et al. (Eds.), Communication and Education: Promoting Peace and Democracy in Times of Crisis and Conflict. Wiley Blackwell.
- Baldridge, B. DiGiacomo, D., Vasudevan, D., Kirshner, B. & Mejias, S. (2024). Out-of-School Time Programs in the United States in an Era of Racial Reckoning: Insights on Equity from Practitioners, Scholars, Policy Influencers, and Young People. Educational Researcher.
- DiGiacomo, D. & the Kentucky Student Voice Team. (in press). Working toward relational equity: Critical insights from the Kentucky Student Voice Team and their adult research ally. Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research.
Sean Burns (SIS) and Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- Burns, C.S., Pusateri, J., & DiGiacomo, D. (in press). Learning by doing: An online, open-source course design approach to systems librarianship. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science.
Aurora Occa (COM)
- Peng, W., Occa, A., & Morgan, S. E. (2024). The Effects of Animations and Multimedia Messages on Public Engagement in Precision Medicine: Assessment of Moderation and Mediation. Journal of health communication, 1-12.
Amber Lynn Scott (COM)
- Teamwork and Trust in Aerial Firefighting, research presentation at the 2024 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) Aviation Safety Conference, Sacramento, CA.
Jihye Kim (ISC)
- Kim, M. & Kim, J. (2023). How an online gaming community advertises brands to members: The roles of relational bonds and trust transfer. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 44(3), 274-294.
News and Noteworthy
Erin Hester (ISC) & Dima Strakovsky (Fine Arts)
- "Creative Gateway for Advancing Digital Health", (@$100,000) UK Research Leadership Academy, Office of the Vice President for Research.
Yu Chi (SIS), Ming-Yuan Chih (Health Sciences) & Seth Himelhoch (Medicine)
- "AID-Bot: AI-Enhanced Chatbot for Alcohol Use Disorder Early Awareness and Support" (@$50,000) Pilot funds from the University of Kentucky’s Substance Use Priority Research Area (SUPRA), supported by the Vice President for Research
Publications and Presentations
Maria Cahill (SIS)
- Daskalakes, D. T. M., Stormont, M., Gooden, C., Russell, C., Cahill, M., Adkins, D., Long, B. S., & Long, A. K. (2023, Winter). A missed opportunity: Increasing the use of inclusive library programs and practices. Children and Libraries, 21(4), 19-23.
Marko Dragojevic (COM)
- Petrou, M., & Dragojevic, M. (in press). “Where are you from?” Language attitudes and (non)accommodation during native-nonnative speaker interactions in Germany. Journal of Language & Social Psychology.
Qingru Xu (COM)
- Xu, Q., Kim, E., & Guo, S. (2023, accepted). Digital selves: A cross-cultural examination of athlete social media self-presentation during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
- Billings, A.C., Tomsett, S.M., Guo, S., & Xu, Q. (2023, in press). Nationalized vantage points: News media ecology structures within the U.S. and Chinese coverage of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Media.
Don Helme (COM) & Nicky Lewis (COM)
- Walker, D. M., Lefebvre, R. C., Davis, A., Shiu-Yee, K., Jackson, R. D., Helme, D. W., Oga, E., Oser, C., Stotz, C., Balvanz, P., Asman, K., Lewis, N., & Knudsen, H. K. (2024). Differences in perceptions of community stigma towards opioid use disorder between community substance use coalition members and the general public. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 158, 209276.
Xun Zhu (COM)
- Zhu, X., Carpenter, C. J., Smith, R. A., Myrick, J. G., Martin, M. A., Lennon, R. P., ... & Van Scoy, L. J. (2024). Extending the theory of normative social behavior: Collective norms, opinion leadership, and masking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Communication, 39(1), 49-61.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- DiGiacomo, D.K., Taylor, C., Muetertties, C., Trapp, S., Isaacs, C., & New, R. (2024). “Re-developing democratic classrooms: K-12 social studies for the common good,” in O’Hair et al. (Eds.), Communication and Education: Promoting Peace and Democracy in Times of Crisis and Conflict. Wiley Blackwell.
Zixue Tai (JAM)
- Liu, Jianping, Tai, Zixue & Hu, Fengbin (2024). Prevalence and coping of depression and anxiety among college students during COVID-19 lockdowns in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 348, 305-313.
News and Noteworthy
Renee Kaufmann (SIS)
- National Science Foundation, “Engineering WISE (Wellness Through Integrated Support and Engagement).” Planning Grant (@$99,000) with College of Engineering and College of Education.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Anita Ciunova-Shuleska (ISC)
- Topic: "Monetary and Non-monetary Sales Promotion in Social Media Brand-Related Content: The Effect on Perceived Action Benefits, Brand Expression, Engagement, and Loyalty"
- Date: October 11, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Allison Gordon (COM)
- Topic: "Miles to Go Before I Sleep: Ten Years of Measuring Communication Quality in Conversations about Health "
- Date: November 8, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Jennifer Scarduzio (COM)
- Topic: "Unwanted Pictures, Gaslighting, and Spillover: Image-Based Sexual Harassment (IBSH) and Privacy on Snapchat "
- Date: November 29, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Kimberly Parker (ISC)
- Parker, K. A., Amegbeha, A., Deffendall, M., Pfeiffer, S., Adams, M., Clements, C., Scheuer, S., Guay, M., Abney, D., Ribott, M. A, & Rahman, N. (accepted). Developing communication strategies to engage a new generation of donors: Fostering relationships between Gen Z and non-profit organizations [Special Issue]. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing
Erika Engstrom (JAM)
- Finding Filmic Strategies for Smashing the Patriarchy, panel presentation on the 2022 film "Women Talking" at the National Communication Association annual convention, National Harbor, MD.
Kody Frey (SIS) & Beth Bloch (SIS)
- Frey, T. K. & Bloch, B. S. (2023). Using Microsoft Teams to facilitate asynchronous online focus groups. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22, 1-15.
Al Cross (JAM)
- Research Report: "Rural Mirages: Shuttered Papers and “Ghosts” Without Local News"
Xun Zhu (COM)
- Cruz, S. , Zhu, X. , Smith, R. A. , Dillard, J. P. , Shen, L. & Tian, X. (2023) “Different politics, different realities? The structure of partisan sensemaking about COVID-19”, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 16(4), 320-343. doi:
- Lee, J., Kim, Y., & Zhu, X. (2023). Liked and shared tweets during the pandemic: The relationship between intrinsic message features and (mis) information engagement. Behaviour & Information Technology. Advance online publication.
Kathyrn Montalbano (JAM)
- Montalbano, K., & Perreault, G. (2023). Resisting Protestant Hegemony: Privileging Coverage in Religion Reporting. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 12(2-3), 272-292.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- Baldridge, B., DiGiacomo, D., Kirshner, B., Mejias, S., and Vasudevan, D. (In press). Out-of-School Time Programs in the United States in an Era of Racial Reckoning: Insights on Equity from Practitioners, Scholars, Policy Influencers, and Young People. Educational Researcher.
Elizabeth Spencer (ISC) & Adam Tristan (COM)
- Spencer, E. A., & Tristán, A. (in press). Brand social media crisis response strategies to mis/disinformation. Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication, accepted for December 2023 publication.
Youngok Choi (SIS)
- Youngok Choi & Emma Hastings (accepted). Exploring the use of Digital Exhibits by Academic libraries. The Journal of Academic Librarianship.
Maria Cahill (SIS) & Soohyung Joo (SIS)
- Cahill, M., Ingram, E., & Joo, S. (2023). Technology integration in storytime programs: Provider perspectives. Information Technology and Libraries, 42(2), 1-20.
Don Helme (COM)
- Egan, K., Cox, M., Helme, D., Jackson, J.T., Sesay, M., Valliani, I., Richman, A.R. (in press) Development and evaluation of messages to facilitate secure storage and disposal of prescribed opioid medication. Substance Use & Addiction.
News and Noteworthy
Shannon Crawford-Barniskis (SIS)
- Shannon won the ASIST SIG-USE Best Information Behavior Conference Early Career Paper Award for “The Convivial Capabilities Checklist: Translating Makerspace Research into Practice“
Beecher Reuning (JAM)
- Plot Device, a 25-minute comedy pilot co-written and directed by Beecher Reuning, had its world premiere at the Soho International Film Festival on Tuesday, September 19. It was nominated for Best Long Form Series Pilot. The episode was also an Official Selection for the Twelve Lions Film Festival at the Kentucky Theatre and screened on Friday, September 29 where Beecher held a Q&A after the showing.
- The Good People of Orphan Ridge, an 85-minute feature film that Beecher Reuning produced, was an Official Selection at the Twelve Lions Film Festival and won the award for Best Use of Music. It screened on Friday, September 28 and Sunday, October 1. Beecher held Q&A’s for the audience after each showing.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Marko Dragojevic (COM)
- Topic: "Effects of Character Accent on Perceived Similarity, Transportation and Narrative Persuasion"
- Date: September 13, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS), Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS) & Sarah Barriage (ISC)
- Greenhalgh, S. P., DiGiacomo, D. K., & Barriage, S. (advance online publication). Platforms, perceptions, and privacy: Ethical implications of student conflation of educational technologies. Information and Learning Sciences.
Don Helme (COM) & Nicky Lewis (COM)
- Stein, M. D., Krause, C., Rodgers, E., *Silwal, A. Helme, D. W., Slater, M. D., Beard, D. D. Lewis, N., Luster, J. E., Stephens, K., & Lefebvre, R. C. (accepted). The HEALing communities study (HCS): Lessons learned from developing communication campaigns. Journal of Health Communication. Advance online publication. *Student co-author.
Weilu Zhang (ISC)
- Zhang, W. & Rodgers, S., (2023). Linking Ethnicity Targeting with Artificial Intelligence and Data Collection: Perceptions and Behavioral Responses of Black Consumers. Journal of Current Issue and Research in Advertising, 44(3), 373-391.
- Zhang, W., Rodgers, S., Tsou, T., & Belobrovkina, E. (2023). Fighting Cancer “Like a Girl” and Taking It “Like a Man”: Examining Gender Stereotypes in Online Breast and Prostate Cancer PSAs. Advertising & Society Quarterly 24(2), doi:10.1353/asr.2023.a905727
Maria Cahill (SIS)
- Daskalakes, D. T. M., Stormont, M., Adkins, D., Gooden, C., Long, B. S., Russell, C., & Cahill, M. (online first). How can we better serve children with disabilities? Public library accessibility recommendations from early intervention coordinators. Public Library Quarterly.
Yu Chi (SIS)
- Chi, Y., Chen, H. (forthcoming/in press) Investigating Substance Use via Reddit: Systematic Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 13/09/2023:48905
- Xiao, F., Chi, Y., & He, D. (2023). Promoting data use through understanding user behaviors: A model for human open government data interaction. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 1–17.
Zixue Tai (JAM)
- Chen, Huan & Tai, Zixue (2023). Tethered Disparities: Adolescent Smartphone Use in Rural and Urban China. Media and Communication, 11(4). doi:10.17645/mac.v11i4.7181
Funded Projects
Allison Gordon (COM)
- Communication Quality During Family Meetings In The Intensive Care Unit: How Does Quality Impact Health Outcomes? (2023 – 2028). National Institute of Nursing Research. $1,058,491.00
Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Public Libraries' Responses to Censorship: Analyzing the Implementation and Effects of Best Practices (2023 – 2026). Institute of Museum and Library Services. $449,118.00
Publications and Presentations
Andy Pilny (COM)
- Andy Pilny had one of his articles cited in a news report:
- Pilny, A. (2023). abasequence: Coding ABA patterns for sequence data (Version 0.1.0) [Computer software]. Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
Kimberly Parker (ISC) & Bobi Ivanov (ISC)
- Kimberly and colleagues have had an article selected for the International Award for Excellence for Vol 7 of The Journal of Communication and Media Studies! Parker, K. A., Ivanov, B., Matig, J., Dillingham, L. L., & Peritore, N. (2022). Inoculation booster messages: Frequency, content, and timing. The Journal of Communication and Media Studies, 7(1), 1-19. *Article Selected for International Award for Excellence
Kakie Urch (JAM)
- Kakie Urch, Assoc. Professor of Multimedia in Journalism and Media was an invited speaker and symposium faculty for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences CAS23 Summer Symposium at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. The symposium focused on “The Archive of Harry Shearer’s “LeShow” “ newly unveiled at the Library of Congress
Aurora Occa (COM)
- Occa A., Merritt A. S., *Leip A., Stapleton J. L. (in press). What influences trust in and understanding of clinical trials? An analysis of information and communication technology use and online health behavior from the Health Information National Trends Survey. Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials.
Kimberly Parker (ISC), Sarah Geegan (ISC) & Adriane Grumbein (ISC)
- Parker, K. A., Geegan, S. A., Pfeiffer, S., George, A., Jaffe, D. E. Grumbein, A., Scheuer, S., & Brown, A. (accepted). Engaging a New Generation of Donors: A Relationship Management Theory Approach to Communication Between Nonprofits and Millennials [Special Issue]. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing.
Sarah Geegan (ISC), Bobi Ivanov (ISC) & Kimberly Parker (ISC)
- Geegan, S. A., Ivanov, B., Parker, K. A., Rains, S. A., & Banas, J. A. (accepted). The Effects of Inoculation and Narrative Messages on Texting and Driving among College Students. Journal of Social Marketing.
- Geegan, S. A., Ivanov, B., & Parker, K. A., (accepted). Inoculation within character limits: Terse messages to promote Gen Z mental health. Journal of Communication and Media Studies.
Alyssa Eckman (ISC)
- The ‘Not Yet’ Grading System: Valuing Intellectual Growth Over the Hierarchical Grading Tradition in Higher Education has been selected for publication in proceedings after the Fall 2023 MMA Fall Educators Conference (MMA is Marketing Management Association).
Luke Lefebvre (SIS)
- LeFebvre, L., & Keith, W. M. (2023). Communication education scholarship: A reclamation for the future. Communication Education, 72(4), 417–422.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- DiGiacomo, D.K., Taylor, C., Muetertties, C., Trapp, S., Isaacs, C., & New, R. (in press). “Re-developing democratic classrooms: K-12 social studies for the common good,” in O’Hair et al. (Eds.), Communication and Education: Promoting Peace and Democracy in Times of Crisis and Conflict. Wiley Blackwell.
- DiGiacomo, D., Muetterties, C., & Taylor, C. (in press). Insights on information literacy from social studies classrooms. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
- DiGiacomo, D., Nelligan, P., Chew, P., Trapp, S. (in press). “Belonging and Identity: Necessary Dimensions of Learning. (in press). In Winn & Winn (Eds.) Social Justice in Education, Volume Title: Language, Literacy and Culture. Bloomsbury Press.
Yung Soo Kim (JAM) & Deborah Chung (JAM)
- Yung Soo Kim & Deborah Chung, “Picturing yet another war: A comparison between images of war from the Russia-Ukraine War and the Gulf Wars,” presented to the Visual Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) at the annual meeting in Washington D.C., August 2023.
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC) & Deborah Chung (JAM)
- Hyun Ju Jeong and Deborah S. Chung (2023; Accepted). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and communications in response to the COVID crisis: Evidence from the U.S. Iowa Journal of Communication
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC)
- Hyun Ju Jeong and Mikyoung Kim (2023; In Press). Appealing to Gen Z with Mother Nature for sustainable consumption: With mediation of nature closeness and consequence of psychological wellbeing. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. doi: 10.1002/cb.2222
Kody Frey (SIS)
- Frey, T. K. (2023). A brief validity report for the instructor strictness scales: Relationships with instructor communication styles. Communication Research Reports, 40(3), 145-155.
Marko Dragojevic (COM)
- Dayton, Z. A., & Dragojevic, M. (in press). Effects of jargon and source accent on receptivity to science communication. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Sarah Barriage (ISC)
- Barriage, S., deSouza, D. K., Zitter, S., & Sarabu, C. (2023). Drawing play: A content analysis of children’s drawings of where they like to play. Children, Youth, and Environments, 33(2), 63-89.
Kathryn Montalbano (JAM)
- 3rd Place in the 2023 AEJMC Law and Policy Division's annual Teaching Ideas Competition at the annual conference in D.C. this past August, "Regulating Religious Expression: Transdisciplinary Teaching in Media Law and Policy."
Mengtian Jiang (ISC)
- Wan, A*. & Jiang, M*. (2023). Can Virtual Influencers Replace Human Influencers in Live-streaming eCommerce? An Exploratory Study from Practitioners' and Consumers' Perspectives. Journal of Current Research & Issues in Advertising, 44(3), 332-372.
Erika Engstrom (JAM)
- "Catholic Horror as Critique in the TV Streaming Era", Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C., August 8, 2023.
Jennifer Scarduzio (COM)
- Abufarsakh, B., Scarduzio, J. A., & Okoli, C.T.C. (In Press). Smoking cessation barriers among individuals with mental illnesses: A qualitative study of patients’ and healthcare providers’ perspectives. Accepted in Issues in Mental Health
Elizabeth Spencer (ISC)
- Mason, A. M., Spencer, E. A., Westhoff, M. C., Livingston, K. M., & Compton, J. (in press). Surveilling the web, mobile, and language accessibility of Communication’s digital presence within institutions of higher education globally. Journal of Communication Pedagogy.
- Mason, A. M., Compton, J., Spencer, E. A., & Barnett, K. (accepted for October publication). Outbreak communication: Exploring the relationships between health information seeking behaviors, vested interests, and COVID-19 knowledge in U.S. Midwest populations. The Midwest Quarterly.
- Mason, A. M., Spencer, E. A., Macek, K., Smith, A., & Potter, S. (2023). Examining the influence of proxy communicators about organizational crises in response to digital news reports. Current Topics on Business, Economics and Finance, 7, 120-143.
Spencer Greenhalgh
- Brody, E., Greenhalgh, S. P., & Sajjad, M. (advance online publication). Free speech or free to hate?: Anti-LGBTQ+ discourses in LGBTQ+-affirming spaces on Gab Social. Journal of Homosexuality.
Jihye Kim (ISC)
- Kim, J. & Kim, M. (2023). Influences of ethical values of e-travel agents on authenticity and trust formations: The moderating role of privacy concerns. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2254638
Zixue Tai (JAM)
- Tai, Zixue, He, Bai & Liu, Jianping (2023). Local News Deserts in China: The Role of Social Media and Personal Communication Networks. Media and Communication, 11(3).
- Tai, Zixue & Zhou, Dayong (2023). The Balkanization of Virtual Sociality: Shifting Boundaries and Emerging Terrains in Chinese Youth Subcultural Practices. In G. Muschert, M. Ragnedda & M. Şentürk (eds.), New Media New Society? (pp. 115-128). University of Istanbul Press.
- Tai, Zixue & Chen, Huan (2023). Tethered Disparities: Youth Mobile Lifestyle in Rural and Urban China. The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual conference, Lyon, France, July 9-13, 2023.
- He, Bai, Tai, Zixue & Liu, Jianping (2023). Local News Deserts in China: The Role of the Smartphone-based Personal Communication Networks and Digital Platforms. The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual conference, Lyon, France, July 9-13, 2023.
- Liu, Jianping & Tai, Zixue (2023). Prevalence and Coping of Depression and Anxiety among College Students During Nationwide Lockdowns in China. The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) annual conference, Lyon, France, July 9-13, 2023.
- Cheng, Dai, Tai, Zixue & Qiu, Xiangkai (2023). Hearing Human: An Anthropomorphic Interrogation of Intelligent Voice-Operated Virtual Assistants in China. International Communication Association (ICA) annual convention, Toronto, Canada, May 56-29, 2023.
Publications and Presentations
Brandi Frisby (SIS)
- Frisby, B.N., Mansson, D. H., & Giraudeau, C. (Accepted). French instructors’ rhetorical and relational communication: The influence on students’ instructional beliefs, behaviors, and learning. Communication Education.
Maria Cahill (SIS)
- Daskalakes, D., & Cahill, M. (online first). "I don’t know; we’re all pretty welcoming": Towards inclusion in library storytimes. Journal of Early Intervention.
Kyra Hunting (JAM)
- Davisson, Amber and Kyra Hunting. "From private pleasure to erotic spectacle: Adapting Bridgerton to female audience desires." Bridgerton, special issue of The Journal of Popular Television, vol. 11, no. 1, 2023.
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS)
- Greenhalgh, S. P., & Chapman, A. L. (2023). "Come for the memes, stay for defending the faith": Far-right and anti-feminist red pill influences in the #DezNat Twitter hashtag. Journal of the Mormon Social Science Association, 2(1), 1-34.
News and Noteworthy
Sarah Barriage (SIS) & Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- ALA has issued a press release announcing Shannon, Sarah and their co-authors as the winner of the Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research:
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Deborah Chung (JAM)
- Topic: "Fake News in the News: Examining coverage of the fake news phenomenon by cable news channels."
- Date: April 5, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Bobi Ivanov (ISC)
- Topic: "Putting the Genie in the Bottle: Contemporary Thoughts on Inoculation Theory and its Unexpected Increase in Popularity."
- Date: April 17, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- DiGiacomo, D., Hodgin, E., Kahne, J., Alkam, S. & Taylor, C. (in press). Assessing the state of media literacy policy in US K-12 schools. Journal of Children and Media.
- Taylor, C. & DiGiacomo, D. (in press). Approaches to information literacy conceptualization in K-12 and higher education contexts: A review of the current scholarly literature. Journal of Information Literacy.
- Han, J., DiGiacomo, D. & Usher, E. (2023). College students’ self-regulation in asynchronous online courses during COVID-19. Studies in Higher Education, 1-15.
- DiGiacomo, D. Invited guest panelist at the plenary session for the 'Forum for Youth Investment' in Detroit, MI, for a session entitled 'From Access to Equity: Youth Perspectives on Creating Spaces for Opportunity and Belonging" that presents research from a national landscape study I led in on out-of-school time learning, funded by the Wallace Foundation Spaces for Opportunity and Belonging" that presents research from a national landscape study I led in on out-of-school time learning, funded by the Wallace Foundation
Jenn Scarduzio (COM)
- Malvini Redden, S., & Scarduzio, J. A. (2023). Mysteries, battles, and games: Exploring agency in metaphors of sexual harassment. Management Communication Quarterly. Online First.
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC)
- Hyun Ju Jeong (In press). The effects of crisis types on corporate warmth and competence perceptions: Interplay with post-crisis promotion types for corporate attitude recovery. Journal of Marketing Communications. doi: 10.1080/13527266.2023.2208127
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC) & Deborah Chung (JAM)
- Hyun Ju Jeong and Deborah S. Chung (In press). “Not enough yet”: CSR communication of stigmatized industries through news coverage. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. doi: 10.1108/CCIJ-11-2022-0138
Mengtian Jiang (ISC)
- Yang, J., Kennedy-Foglio, L., Jiang, M., & Joo, E. (2023). Is this Endorsement Authentic? The Role of Message Sequence in Influencer Marketing. In A. Vignolles & M. K. J. Waiguny (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XII): Communicating, Designing and Consuming Authenticity and Narrative (pp. 301–320). Springer Fachmedien.
Brandi Frisby (SIS)
- Frisby, B.N. (2023). Forum Response: Joining our colleagues to advocate and act for meaningful change. Communication Education. (Invited)
Allison Scott-Gordon (COM) & Nancy Harrington (COM)
- Scott, A. M., Harrington, N. G., & Herman, A. A. (in press). Oncologists’ perceptions of strategies for discussing the cost of care with cancer patients and the meaning of those conversations. Health Communication.
Hanyoung Kim (ISC)
- Ko, Y., Kim, H., Seo, Y., Han, J. Y., Yoon, H. J., Lee, J., & Seo, J. K. (accepted). The persuasive effects of social media narrative PSAs on COVID-19 vaccination intention among unvaccinated young adults: The mediating role of empathy and psychological reactance. Journal of Social Marketing.
- Yoon, H. J., Lee, J., Han, J. Y., Ko, Y., Kim, H., Seo, Y., & Seo, J. K. (accepted) Using humor to increase COVID-19 vaccination intention for the unvaccinated: The moderating role of trust in government. Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
Kimberly Parker (ISC)
- Parker, K.A., Geegan, S., Ivanov, B., Dogan, J., Tristan, A., & Francis, D. (accepted). Trust, motivation, and barriers in a “hurry up and vaccinate” environment: Vaccine uptake among Black Americans. The International Journal of Community Diversity.
Maria Cahill (SIS)
- Cahill, M., & Adkins, D. (2023). School library service for pre-kindergarten students: An analysis of certification and standards. Libri.
- Moore, J., Cahill, M., Discala, J., and Wang, W. (2023). “We collect TONS of data… we report what we think our community cares the most about… we learn so much from it:” School librarians’ evidence collection and sharing practices. Libri.
- Daskalakes, D., & Cahill, M. (accepted). "I don’t know; we’re all pretty welcoming": Towards inclusion in library storytimes. Journal of Early Intervention.
Luke LeFebvre (SIS)
- LeFebvre, L., Cahill, M., Joo, S., Garcia, A., Jaromczyk, J. W., Morris, A. & Cole, A. (2023). My child doesn’t sit for virtual storytime: A multi-person pose tracking study. Research escalator paper presented to the Children, Adolescents and Media Division at the International Communication Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Tan, G., Halder, S., & LeFebvre, L. (2023). Cultivate the problem exploration skills for biomedical innovation. Paper presented to the Multidisciplinary Engineering Division at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.
Sarah Barriage (SIS) & Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- Kitzie, V., Floegel, D., Barriage, S., & Oltmann, S. M. (2022). How visibility, hypervisibility, and invisibility shape library staff and drag performer perceptions of and experiences with drag storytimes in public libraries. Library Quarterly, 92(3), 215-240. doi:10.1086/719915
News and Noteworthy
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS)
- The Salt Lake Tribune covered Greenhalgh's work in two recent podcasts.
- Stack, P. F. & Noyce, D. (2023, April 19). 'Mormon Land': Wrangling over '' — who owns the name?. The Salt Lake Tribune.
- Stack, P. F. (2023, April 16). How the LDS Church worked and worked — and paid and paid — to get its name 'right' on the internet. The Salt Lake Tribune.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Elizabeth Spencer (ISC)
- Topic: "Focusing In: Applications and integrations of Visual Communication for Improved Outcomes and Greater Impact"
- Date: March 8, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Yu Chi (SIS)
- Topic: "Exploring Knowledge Acquisition and Resource-Sharing Behaviors in Online Health Communities for Women with Ovarian Cancer."
- Date: March 22, 2023
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS)
- Greenhalgh, S. P. (2023). The correct [domain] name of the Church: Technology, naming, and legitimacy in the Latter-day Saint tradition. Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, 56(1), 1-26.
Jihye Kim (ISC)
- Kim, J. & Kim, M. (2023). Using personalization for cause-related marketing beyond compassion fade on social media. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 17(2), 299-316.
Firaz Peer (SIS)
- Firaz Peer “The Human Infrastructure of Civic Data: A Taxonomy for Participatory Infrastructuring of Civic Data”. ACCEPTED AT European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW) 2023.
Shannon Crawford Barniskis (SIS)
- Shannon Crawford Barniskis. Presentation. "Trustworthy trustees: How librarians and judge executives understand and select trustees." Kentucky Public Library Association. March 30, 2023.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Fatima Espinoza-Vasquez (SIS)
- Date: February 28, 2023
- Topic: Addressing Information Access Inequality from Below: Building an Alternative Sociotechnical Infrastructure with the Lexington Latinx Community
- Recording: Click here.
Publications and Presentations
Renee Kaufmann (SIS)
- Spence, P. R., Kaufmann, R., Lachlan, K., Lin, X., & Spates, S. A. (in press). Extending the Understanding of Online Discussions: A Replication of Online Students’ Perceptions of Identity and Helper Heuristics. Communication Education.
Shannon Crawford Barniskis (SIS)
- Crawford Barniskis, S. (2023). Serious and casual leisure in public library makerspaces: The two-audience conundrum and research agenda. Library and Information Science Research, 45(2). (in press)
Fatima Vasquez Espinoza (SIS)
- Espinoza Vasquez, F.., Santiago Ortiz, A., Mudd-Martin, G., (2023) Combining Intergroup Dialogue and Sociotechnical Infrastructure Design: Addressing Social and Technical Determinants of Health Information Disparities with the Latinx Community. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
Evan Brody (COM)
- Brody, E., Scott, D.T., Pariera, K. (2022). LGBTQ+ collegiate athletes and the double bind: Insights from the experiences of out varsity athletes. International Journal of Communication, 16, 1-21.
Marko Dragojevic (COM) and Aurora Occa (COM)
- Dragojevic, M., Occa, A., & Dayton, Z. A. (in press). Effects of character accent on perceived similarity, transportation, and narrative persuasion. Health Communication.
Marko Dragojevic (COM)
Fasoli, F., Dragojevic, M., Rakić, T., & Johnson, S. (in press). Voice matters: Social categorization and stereotyping of speakers based on sexual orientation and nationality categories. Language and Communication.
Fasoli, F., Dragojevic, M., & Rakić, T. (2023). When voice signals nationality and sexual orientation: Speakers’ self-perceptions and perceived stigmatization. Psychology of Language and Communication, 27(1), 59-83.
Funded Projects
Sarah Geegan (ISC) and Kimberly Parker (ISC)
- Persuasion and Message Design, Help Seeking for Mental Health Among Latinx College Students (2022 – 2023). Geegan, S. A. (PI), & Parker, K.A. (Co-PI). UNITE (United in True Racial Equity). $12,000
News and Noteworthy
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- Press release and short video from the Louisville at the Frazier History Museum, that is one of the outcomes of a different partnership with Jefferson County Public Schools social studied department to support educating for democracy in K-12 classes throughout the district.
- Press release and policy brief from the Kentucky Student Voice Team regarding her second-phase study on learning during long covid.
Brandi Frisby (SIS)
- Included in a review of the scholarly productivity in the communication discipline by Communication Education and was named one of the top 25 researchers (top 1%) who have published in the top 24 communication journals:
Publications and Presentations
Evan Brody (COM), Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS) and colleague
- Brody, E., Greenhalgh, S. P., & Sajjad, M. (2022). Gayservatives on Gab: LGBTQ+ Communities and Far Right Social Media. Social Media+ Society, 8(4).
Sean Burns (SIS)
- Burns, C.S. (2023). The issues with journal issues: Let journals be digital libraries. Publications, 11(1)
Erika Engstrom (JAM) and Ashley McCann (UK Honor Student)
- McCann, Ashley, & Engstrom, Erika. (2023). A lack of Joi: Hegemonic femininity and the male gaze in Blade Runner: 2049. Popular Culture Review, 34(1), 51-83.
Fatima Espinoza-Vasquez (SIS) and Shannon Oltmann (SIS)
- VEspinoza Vasquez, F.K.; Oltmann, S. (2023) Information precarity and the agentic practices of marginalized communities: Puerto Rican activists addressing the crisis before, during, and after Hurricane Maria. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
Brandi Frisby (SIS)
- Frisby, B (2023) (Editor) Basic Communication Course Annual,
Sarah Geegan (ISC), Kimberly Parker (ISC), Bobi Ivanov (ISC), Diane Francis (COM) and colleagues
- Geegan, S. A., Parker, K. A., Dogan, J., Ivanov, B., Tristan, A., & Francis, D. B. (accepted). COVID 19 vaccine hesitancy and acceptance: The influence of communication between Black Americans and health professionals. The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society.
Luke LeFebvre (SIS) and colleagues
- LeFebvre, L., LeFebvre, L. E., & Allen, M. (2023). Virtual environment presentations: A qualitative exploration of user perceptions. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality. Advanced online version.
- LeFebvre, L. E., & LeFebvre, L. (2023). Metasynthesis in Communication research: Synthesizing the past to aid the future. Communication Education. Advanced online version.
- LeFebvre, L., Florence, D., & Dao, M. (2023). Center alliance: Transforming communication practices in the mathematics classroom. In J. Burchfield & A. Kedrowicz (Eds.), Teaching communication across disciplines for professional development, civic engagement, and beyond. Lexington.
Kimberly Parker (ISC), Bobi Ivanov (ISC), Erin Hester (ISC) and colleague
- Roberson, L., Parker, K. A., Ivanov, B., & Hester, E. B. (2023). Feasibility and acceptability of a curricula to promote healthy eating in the golden years. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal.
Jessalyn Vallade (SIS), Renee Kaufmann (SIS) and Adam Tristan (COM)
- Vallade, J. I., Tristan, A., & Kaufmann, R. (2023). Highlighting the intersectional experiences of students of color: A mixed methods examination of instructor (mis)behavior. Communication Education.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Yung Soo Kim (JAM)
- Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
- Topic: Reader Reactions to an Ethical Dilemma Faced by Photojournalists
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Andy Pilny (COM)
- Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022
- Topic: COVID-19 contact tracing: A communication network perspective
- Recording: Click here.
Panel: Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS) and colleagues
- DiGiacomo, D. & Taylor, C. (Invited Panelist, Dec. 12). “Researching and communicating the value add of information literacy across the education continuum.” Kentucky Virtual Library.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS) and colleagues
- Taylor, C. & DiGiacomo, D. (in press). Approaches to information literacy conceptualization in K-12 and higher education contexts: A review of the current scholarly literature. Journal of Information Literacy.
- DiGiacomo, D., Usher, E., Han, J., Abney, J., Cole, A. & Patterson, J. (in press). The benefits of belonging: Students' perceptions of their online learning experiences. Distance Education.
Brandi Frisby (SIS) and colleagues
- Flanigan, A., Hosek, A., Frisby, B. N., Babchuk, W. & Ray, E. (Accepted). Effects of Classroom Digital Distraction Policies and Prevention on Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Student-Digital Distraction Policies and Prevention on Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Student-Instructor Rapport. Communication Education.
Montina Jiang (ISC) and colleagues
- Yang J., Jiang, M. & Kim, T. (2023). Authentic Warmth in These Uncertain Times: The Impact of Authenticity in COVID-19 Advertising on Brand Warmth and Consumer. Journal of Promotion Management, 29(2), 259–279.
- Yang J., Jiang, M. & Kim, T. (2023). Authentic Warmth in These Uncertain Times: The Impact of Authenticity in COVID-19 Advertising on Brand Warmth and Consumer. Journal of Promotion Management, 29(2), 259–279.
Nicky Lewis (COM) and colleagues
- Brown, K. A., Lewis, N., Barnidge, M. & Boman, C. D. (2022). Black Lives Matter to the NBA: The impact of sport fanship and political affiliation on the perception of the NBA’s racial justice initiatives during the 2020 playoff bubble. International Journal of Sport Communication. Advance online publication.
Brian Real (SIS) and colleagues
- Adle, M., Behre, J., Real, B. & Jean, B. S. (2023). Moving toward Health Justice in the COVID-19 Era: A Sampling of US Public Libraries’ Efforts to Inform the Public, Improve Information Literacy, Enable Health Behaviors, and Optimize Health Outcomes. The Library Quarterly, 93(1), 26-47.
Elizabeth Spencer (ISC) and colleagues
- A. M. Mason, Josh Compton, & Elizabeth A. Spencer (accepted) Understanding Individual Differences in the Early-stage Dimensions of “Vestedness” within Midwestern Populations toward the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Midwest Quarterly
Zixue Tai (JAM) and colleagues
- Sida, Chen, Tai, Zixue & Liu, Jianping (forthcoming). Barriers, Facilitators and Sustainers in Tai Ji Quan Practice: A Mixed-Methods RE-AIM Assessment of College Students versus the General Population. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Ahead of Print,
- Tai, Zixue (2022). Social Media and Contentious Action: The Use and Users of QQ Groups in China. Media and Communication, 10(4), 66-76.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Erin Hester (ISC)
- Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
- Topic: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Confronting Wicked Problems with Strategic Communication
- Recording: Click here.
Seminars and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Kimberly Parker (ISC) and Sarah Geegan (ISC)
- Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
- Topic: Building Teams to Work on Social Problems
- Recording: Click here.
Funded Projects
Nancy Harrington (COM)
- Grant: Evaluation of a Persuasive Health Communication Intervention Designed to Increase HIV/HCV Screening among Emergency Departments Patients Who Currently, Formerly or Never Injected Drugs, Co-investigator. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Roland C. Merchant, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, PI.
Sarah Barriage (SIS) and colleagues
- Grafelman, K., & Barriage, S. (2022). No finish line: Creating inclusiveness in children’s programs. Children and Libraries, 20(3), 3-11.
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS)
- Greenhalgh, S. P. (2023). "I'm a French teacher, not a data scientist!": Culture and language across my professions. In I. C. Plough & W. Tamboura (Eds.), Cultures and languages across the curriculum in higher education (pp. 99-112). Routledge.
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC) and co-author Deborah Chung (JAM)
- Hyun Ju Jeong & Deborah S. Chung (Accepted). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) from the news media lens: With moderation of media attribution and type of media in CSR communication. Journal of Media Ethics.
Jihye Kim (ISC) and co-author Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC)
- Kim, J. & Jeong, H. J. (Accepted). 'It’s my virtual space’: The effect of personalized native advertising within social media. International Journal of Advertising
Renee Kaufmann (SIS) and colleagues
- a. Spence, P. R., Lachlan, K., & Kaufmann, R. (accepted). “They must have something to hide:” Testing the impact of identity masking in news on perceptions of organizations and risks. Electronic News.
- LeRoy, L.S. & Kaufmann, R. (in press). Identifying student motivations for webcam use in online courses. Interactive Learning Environments. Advanced online publication.
- Kaufmann, R. & Sellnow, D. D. (2022). “Instructional communication, technology, and the online learning environment: What next? – Pedagogy of renewal.” In M. L. Houser and A. M. Hosek (Eds.). The Handbook of Instructional Communication: Rhetorical and Relational Perspectives 3rd Edition. *Invited Book Chapter, (referred) ISBN: 9798765706985
- Sellnow, D. D. & Kaufmann, R. (2022). “Instructional communication, technology, and the online learning environment: Then and now.” In M. L. Houser and A. M. Hosek (Eds.). The Handbook of Instructional Communication: Rhetorical and Relational Perspectives 3rd Edition. *Invited Book Chapter, (referred) ISBN: 9798765706985
News and Noteworthy
Buck Ryan (JAM)
- Ryan’s articles on election integrity in North Carolina and Montana were highlighted in a national news feed by the USC Election Cybersecurity Initiative based in California:
- Ryan’s critique of a New York Times commentary on China censorship, written with a Chinese colleague, received full-page treatment in the Chatham (N.C.) News + Record:,14177
Maria Cahill (SIS) and colleagues
- LeFebvre, R. A., Cahill, M., Luzić, G. (accepted). Children’s librarians’ conceptualizations of school readiness. Public Library Quarterly.
Marko Dragojevic (COM) and colleague
- Dragojevic, M., & Gasiorek, J. (in press). Effects of task performance expectancy violations on processing fluency and speaker evaluations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Diane Francis (COM), Anita Silwal (CI doctoral student) and colleague
- Silwal, A., Zelaya, C. M., & Francis, D. B. (in press). Beliefs underlying colorectal cancer information seeking among young Black adults: A reasoned action approach elicitation study. Journal of Cancer Education.
Derek Lane (COM) and colleagues
- Jin, X. & Lane, D. R. (in press). To know or not to know? Exploring COVID-19 information seeking with the risk information seeking and processing model. Journal of Information Science.
- Lane, D. R., Frey, T. K., & Tatum, N. T. (in press). Affective approaches in the instructional context. In M. L. Houser and A. M. Hosek (Eds.) Handbook of instructional communication: Rhetorical and relational perspectives (3rd ed). Routledge.
- Lane, D. R. (in press). Historical trends in instructional communication research. In . D. D. Sellnow and M. G. Strawser (Eds.) Teaching communication: Strategies for a new age (Vol. 1). Cognella.
- Lane, D. R. (in press) Survey methods. In E. Y. Ho, C. L. Bylund, J. C. M. Van Weert, I. Basnyat, N. Bol, & M. Dean (Eds). The international encyclopedia of health communication. Wiley.
- Sellnow, T. L., Lane, D. R., & Sellnow, D. D. (in press). Instructional risk and crisis communication. In M. L. Houser and A. M. Hosek (Eds.) Handbook of Instructional Communication: Rhetorical and Relational perspectives (3rd ed). Routledge.
- Sellnow, T. L. , Sellnow, D. D., Johansson, B., Lane, D. R., & Seeger, M. W. (in press). The IDEA model theoretical framework: An explication of risk communication as engaged public relations. In C. H. Botan and E. Sommerfeldt (Eds.) Public relations theory III: In the age of publics. Routledge.
- Strawser, M. G., & Lane, D. R., (in press). Beyond the academy: An introduction. Instructional communication in professional contexts. Cognella.
Luke LeFebvre (SIS) and colleagues
- LeFebvre, L., LeFebvre, L. E., Carmack, H. J., & Lazić, G. (2022). Preparing the next generation of teachers inappropriately: When introductory course directors engage in teacher misbehaviors. Advanced online version. Communication Studies.
News and Noteworthy
Buck Ryan (JAM)
- Ryan launched an emoji contest in July to advance cross-cultural understanding: “Wait, what’s that word I’m looking for? I got it now, the perfect sentiment to end my sentence,” by Buck Ryan and Lei Jiao, Chatham (N.C.) News + Record, Page A8-9, July 21-27, 2022.,13882
Al Cross (JAM)
- Cross hosted the International Society of Weekly Newspapers Editors conference here at UK. Gathering in person for the first time in three years, ISWNE members explored the history, culture and newspapers of Kentucky’s Bluegrass region and some of the challenges facing their craft – including the evils of social media, dealing with the local impact of national politics, and the need for new business models – and, of course, editorial critiques.
Sarah Barriage (SIS)
- Barriage, S. (2022). Young children’s interest-driven information practices. Information & Learning Sciences. Advance online publication. doi:10.1108/ILS-03-2022-0037
Yu Chi (SIS) and colleagues
- Chi, Y., Thaker, K.M., He, D., Hui, V., Donovan, H., Brusilovsky, P., Lee, Y.J. (forthcoming/in press). Knowledge Acquisition and Social Support in Online Health Communities: Analysis of an Online Ovarian Cancer Community. JMIR Cancer. doi:10.2196/39643.
- Zou, N., Chi, Y., He, D., Xie, B., & Wang, Z. (2022). Together they shall not fade away: Opportunities and challenges of self-tracking for dementia care. Information Processing & Management, 59(5), 103024.
Marko Dragojevic (COM) and colleague
- Dragojevic, M., & Gasiorek, J. (in press). Effects of task performance expectancy violations on processing fluency and speaker evaluations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC), Deborah Chung (JAM) and Jihye Kim (ISC)
- Hyun Ju Jeong, Deborah S. Chung, & Jihye Kim (accepted). Brands are humans on social media: The effectiveness of human tone-of-voice on consumer engagement and purchase intentions. International Journal of Communication.
Nicky Lewis (COM) and colleague
- Lewis, N., & Norris, A. E. (in press). Identification with and social comparison to teen mothers on Teen Mom over time. Health Communication.
Kelly McAninch (COM) and colleagues
- McAninch, K., Basinger, E., Delaney, A. & Wehrman, E. (2022). Integrating relational turbulence theory and the theory of resilience and relational load to investigate the relationships of couples with chronic illness. Communication Quarterly. Advance online publication.
News and Noteworthy
Al Cross (JAM)
- Cross reports that the second National Summit on Journalism in Rural America (the first one was in 2007) posed a research question: “How do rural communities sustain local journalism that supports local democracy?” His group is continuing to pursue answers to that question through a list-serve for Summit attendees, a planned website, and an online follow-up to the conference this winter. Their report on the Summit is at
Buck Ryan (JAM)
- Ryan has been nominated for the National Press Club’s Nell Minow Award for Cultural Criticism.
- Ryan has also published a two-part commentary on U.S-China relations in a North Carolina newspaper, where he is conducting a “participatory case study”:
- “A new Cold War recipe: Take China’s overconfidence, add our misperceptions, then dip it in a batter of ‘strategic ambiguity’,” Part I, with Jiao Lei, Chatham (N.C.) News + Record, Page B11, June 2, 2022.,13488
- “Misperception, the real enemy, wins as saber-rattling over China drowns out people-to-people exchanges,” Part II, with Jiao Lei, Chatham (N.C.) News + Record, Page B8, June 15, 2022.,13624
Funded Projects
Erin Hester (ISC) and Sarah Geegan (ISC)
- Erin Hester (Principal Investigator) & Sarah Geegan (Co-Investigator), in partnership with the UK Human Development Institute (a unit of the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research at UK and part of a nationwide network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities), the College of Public Health and the Center for Health Equity Transformation (of the College of Medicine) have been awarded a Sustainability Challenge Grant in the amount of $43K titled "Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility Without Leaving the Community Behind”. This project will develop and pilot best practices for organizations to implement CSR communication that intentionally includes the perspective of individuals with disabilities.
Kody Frey (SIS) and colleague
- Frey, T. K., & Tatum, N. T. (Accepted). Instructor strictness: Instrument development and validation. Communication Education.
Brandi Frisby (SIS), Jessalyn Vallade (SIS), Corey (Joseph) Huber (CI graduate student), Adam Tristan (CI graduate student) and Alexis Hadden (COM)
- Frisby, B. N., Vallade, J. I., Huber, C. J., Tristan, A., & Hadden, A. (Accepted). An analysis and comparison of the instructor-student relationship using relational framing theory. Western Journal of Communication.
Allison Scott Gorden (COM) and colleagues
- Van Scoy, L. J., Scott, A. M., Green, M. J., Witt, P. D., Wasserman, E., Chinchilli, V. M., & Levi, B. H. (in press). Communication Quality Analysis: A user-friendly observational measure of patient-clinician communication. Communication Methods and Measures.
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS) and colleague
- Williams, D. E., & Greenhalgh, S. P. (2022). Pseudonymous academics: Authentic tales from the Twitter trenches. The Internet and Higher Education, 55, 100870.
Nancy Harrington (COM) and colleagues
- Lukacena, K. M., Keck, J. W., Freeman, P. R., Harrington, N. G., & Moga, D. (in press). Patients’ attitudes toward deprescribing and their experiences communicating with clinicians and pharmacists. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety.
Shannon Oltmann (SIS), Sarah Barriage (SIS) and colleagues
- Oltmann, S. M., Kitzie, V., & Barriage, S. (2022). “For me, it is an intellectual freedom issue”: Drag storytimes, neutrality, and ALA core values. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. Advance online publication.
- Kitzie, V., Floegel, D., Barriage, S., & Oltmann, S. M. (2022). How visibility, hypervisibility, and invisibility shape library staff and drag performer perceptions of and experiences with drag storytimes in public libraries. Library Quarterly, 92(3), 215-240.
News and Noteworthy
Maria Cahill (SIS) and Soohyung Joo (SIS)
- The paper Storytime Programs as Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors? Addressing Children’s Needs through Diverse Book Selection by Maria Cahill, Erin Ingram, and Soohyung Joo, which was published in The Library Quarterly, was selected for the 2022 LRRT Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research.
Al Cross (JAM)
- Cross's work was profiled through WEKU. You can access the interview here.
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS)
- Greenhalgh's work was profiled through WEKU. You can access the story and interview here.
Funded Projects
Erin Hester (ISC) and Adriane Grumbein (ISC)
- Erin Hester and Adriane Grumbein received funding for their project, Testing Revisions to the Protection Motivation Theory: Can Compassion-based Messages Elicit Other-Protection?
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS) and colleagues
- DiGiacomo, D., Han, H., Trapp, S., & Kahloon, S. (2022). How Social Studies Teachers Conceptualize Civic Teaching and Learning in 2020: Insights from a Research-Practice Partnership. Democracy & Education, 30 (1), 5.
- Muetterties, C., DiGiacomo, D. & New, R. (2022). Recentering civics: A framework for building civic dispositions and action opportunities. Democracy & Education, 30 (1), 5.
- DiGiacomo, D, Usher, E., Griffiths, C., Flick, C., Kahloon, S., Goldstein, B., Bograd, S., Sippy, E., Farmer, S., Pavaluri, S., and the Kentucky Student Voice Team. (2022). Coping with Covid-19: Youth Experiences and Perspectives. Children, Youth & Environments, 32(1), 5-34.
Bobi Ivanov (ISC), Erin Hester (ISC) and colleague
- Compton, J., Ivanov, B., & Hester, E. B. (accepted). Inoculation theory and affect. International Journal of Communication.
Firaz Peer (SIS)
- Firaz Peer. 2022. A Participatory Approach to Eliciting Local Values of Civic Data Justice. In Participatory Design Conference 2022: Volume 1 (PDC 2022 Vol.1), August 19-September 1, 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.
Andy Pilny (COM) and colleagues
- Ashwood, L., Pilny, A., Canfield, J., Johnson, M., & Thomson, R. (accepted). From Big Ag to Big Finance: A market network approach to power in agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values.
Zixue Tai (JAM) and colleagues
- Tai, Zixue & Dai, Cheng (2022). College students’ attachment to their smartphones: a subjective operant approach. BMC Psychology 10, 145.
- Willnat, Lars & Tai, Zixue (2022). Introduction to the Global Media and China Special Issue on Covid-19. Global Media and China. 7(1), 78-80. DOI:10.1177/20594364221081555
Rong Wang (COM) and colleagues
- Wang, R., Li, L., & Fulk, J. (Accepted). Networking the Commons: Creative Commons Project Creators’ Funding Patterns in Crowdfunding. Online Information Review.
- Park, S. & Wang, R. (Accepted). Assessing the Capability of Government Information Intervention and Socio-economic Factors of Information Sharing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Country Study using Big Data Analytics. Behavioral Sciences.
Seminars, Presentations and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Maria Cahill (SIS)
- Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
- Topic: Libraries As Community Anchors for Young Children: Collaborations, Explorations, and Reflections
Funded Projects
Fatima Espinoza Vasquez (SIS)
- Espinoza Vasquez was awarded a $43,202 UK UNITE grant for her project “Co-Developing a Community Infrastructure with Lexington’s Latinx Community.” This is Phase 2 of work that began with funding in 2020 from UK’s Igniting Research Collaborations program. Phase 3 will involve seeking external funding to develop an alternative sociotechnical infrastructure within the Latinx community.
Marko Dragojevic (COM)and colleague
- Dayton, Z. A., & Dragojevic, M. (in press). Political partisanship and persuasion in the context of COVID-19. Communication Reports.
Erika Engstrom (JAM), David Stephenson (JAM), Yung Soo Kim (JAM) and colleague
- Engstrom, E., Stephenson, D., Kim, Yung Soo, & Valenzano, J.M. (2022). 'Under His eye: Religious appropriation and American civil religion in Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale. Journal of Media and Religion,
Montina Jiang (ISC) and colleagues
- Yang J., Jiang, M., & Kim, T. (2022). Authentic Warmth in These Uncertain Times”: The Impact of Authenticity in COVID-19 Advertising on Brand Warmth and Consumer. Journal of Promotion Management.
Jihye Kim (ISC) and colleague
- Kim, J. & Kim, M. (2022). How do calorie ending and price ending matter in the food consumption decision-making? International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(3),731-743.
Kimberly Parker (ISC), Erin Hester (ISC), Bobi Ivanov (ISC) and colleagues
- Parker, K. A., Hester, E., Geegan, S. A., Ciunova-Shuleska, A., Palamidovska-Sterjadovska, N., & Ivanov, B. (accepted). The declining population crisis among young educated people in North Macedonia: A qualitative analysis of reasons to leave or stay. Central and Eastern European Migration Review.
Andy Pilny (COM) and colleagues
- Pilny, A., & Contractor, N. (forthcoming). Networks. In V. Miller & M.S. Poole (Eds.) Handbook of organizational communication theory and research. De Gruyter Publishing.
- Leonardi, P., Pilny, A., Treem, J., & Sharma, N. (forthcoming). Artificial intelligence and organizational communication. In V. Miller & M.S. Poole (Eds.) Handbook of organizational communication theory and research. De Gruyter Publishing.
Jennifer Scarduzio (COM), Anthony Limperos (COM) and colleagues
- Adams, M., Scarduzio, J. A., Limperos, A. M., Fletcher, J. (In Press). Younger employees’ sexual harassment experiences on Facebook’s public feed verses direct messages: How the online setting impacts uncertainty and coping. Sexuality and Culture
Seminars, Presentations and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Kody Frey (SIS) and Beth Bloch (SIS)
- Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022
- Topic: Hidden Worlds: Exploring Unconscious Assumptions and Values about Scientific Practice, Classrooms, and Public Health
CI Research Seminar Series: Zixue Tai (JAM)
- Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
- Topic: From Capture to Containment: Contact Tracing for COVID-19 in China
News and Noteworthy
Brandi Frisby (SIS)
- The latest volume of the journal Frisby edits, Basic Communication Course Annual, has been published. The open access can be found at
Spencer Greenhalgh (SIS)
- Greenhalgh appeared on a SAGE Methodspace webinar: Bayeck, R., Rosario, A., Asino, T. I., Greenhalgh, S. P., & Salmons, J. E. (2022, March). Understanding cultural issues in research design. SAGE Methodspace.
Seminars, Presentations and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Firaz Peer (SIS)
- Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
- Topic: All Data Are Human: The Human Infrastructure of Civic Data
CI Research Seminar Series: Ryan Bisel (University of Oklahoma)
- Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022
- Topic: The Mutual Benefit of Cause-Related Marketing for Consumers and Brands: With the Warm Glow Effect on Purchase Happiness and Brand Attitude
- Recording: Click here.
CI Research Seminar Series: Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC)
- Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
- Topic: The Mutual Benefit of Cause-Related Marketing for Consumers and Brands: With the Warm Glow Effect on Purchase Happiness and Brand Attitude
News and Noteworthy
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS)
- On March 10 in Frankfort, the Kentucky Student Voice Team (student educational justice group DiGiacomo works with) presented their recent research on student experiences of race and racial discussions in their KY K-12 classes. A link to the report is here plus there are stories in the Louisville Courier-Journal and Lexington Herald-Leader.
Marko Dragojevic (COM), Aurora Occa (COM) and Zane Dayton (CI doctoral student)
- Dragojevic, Occa and Dayton won a top paper award in the health communication division at ICA: Dragojevic M., Occa A., & Dayton, Z. A. (2022). Effects of character accent on transportation and persuasion in first-person health.
Kody Frey (SIS) and Jessalyn Vallade (SIS)
- Frey and Vallade won a top paper in the instructional communication division at ICA: Frey, T. K., & Vallade, J. (2022, May). A practical guide to using multilevel modeling for instructional communication research and assessment.
Sarah Barriage (SIS) and colleagues
- Barriage, S., Choi, H. J., Ray, A. E., Hecht, M. L., Greene, K., & Glenn, S. D. (2022). Exploring the relationship between youth information behavior, substance use, and substance use expectancies: A pilot study. In M. Smits (Ed.), Lecture notes in computer science: Vol 13193. Information for a better world: Shaping the global future (pp. 106-122). Springer.
Yu Chi (SIS) and colleagues
- Thaker, K.M., Chi, Y., Birkhoff, S., He, D., Donovan, H., Rosenbum, L., Brusilovsky, P., Hui, C., Lee, Y.J. (forthcoming/in press). Exploring Resource Sharing Behaviors for Finding Relevant Health Resources: An Analysis of an Online Ovarian Cancer Community. JMIR Cancer. doi:10.2196/33110
Deborah Chung (JAM), Hyun Ju Jeong (ISC) and colleagues
- Chung, D. S., Jeong, H. J., Lee, S., & Nah, S. (accepted). News credibility revisited: The roles of news comment engagement and news literacy on news portal credibility in South Korea. Asian Journal of Communication.
Daniela DiGiacomo (SIS) and colleagues
- DiGiacomo, D., Han, H., Trapp, S., & Kahloon, S. (2022, in press). How Social Studies Teachers Conceptualize Civic Teaching and Learning in 2020: Insights from a Research-Practice Partnership. Democracy & Education.
- Muetterties, C., DiGiacomo, D. & New, R. (2022, in press). Recentering civics: A framework for building civic dispositions and action opportunities. Democracy & Education.
Phil Hutchison (ISC)
- Phillip J. Hutchison. “Celebrating a Comedy of Insults: Don Rickles meets Mikhail Bakhtin.” Comedy Studies 13:2 (Spring 2022). 10.1080/2040610X.2022.2040759
Jihye Kim (ISC) and colleague
- Kim, J. & Kim, M. (2022). Rise of social media influencers as a new communication channel: Focusing on the roles of psychological well-being and perceived social responsibility among consumers? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4):2362. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19042362
Luke LeFebvre (SIS)
- LeFebvre, L. (2022). Speech Communication at Iowa State University: A department history and aftermath. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 39(2), 50–71.
Aurora Occa (COM) and colleagues
- Occa, A., Leip, A., Merritt, A. S., & Stapleton, J. L. (2022). Prevalence and correlates of invitation to participate in clinical trials among US adults. Preventive Medicine Reports, 101742.
Rong Wang (COM) and colleagues
- Cooper, K. & Wang, R. (Accepted). From Reactionary to Revelatory: CSR Reporting in Response to the Global Refugee Crisis. Business & Society
- Wang, R. & Chen, B. (Accepted). A Configurational Approach to Attracting Participation in Crowdsourcing Social Innovation: The Case of Openideo. Management Communication Quarterly.
Seminars, Presentations and Panels
CI Research Seminar Series: Don Helme (COM)
- Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
- Topic: The HEALing Communities Study: Lessons Learned from a Community-Based, Community-Driven Health Communication Campaign Initiative
Funded Projects
Don Helme (COM)
- Helme is co-investigator on Development and Pilot Randomized Control Trial of a Text Message Intervention to Facilitate Secure Storage and Disposal of Prescription Opioids to Prevent Diversion and Misuse, a project funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (Kathleen Egan, East Carolina University, principal investigator: 1R34DA051710-01A1; R34; 8/21-5/24, $692,758).
News and Noteworthy
Sarah Barriage (SIS)
- Barriage co-edited a special issue of the journal Library Trends titled "Family Matters: Mapping Information Phenomena within the Context of the Family." The full table of contents can be viewed at
Sarah Barriage (SIS) and colleague
- Dalmer, N. K., & Barriage, S. (2021). Introduction. Library Trends, 70(2), 73-77. doi:10.1353/lib.2021.0017
Evan Brody (COM) and colleague
- Pariera, K. L. & Brody, E. (in press). Encouraging parental sexual communication with teen sons: A social norms experiment. Health Communication.
Maria Cahill (SIS) and colleagues
- Cahill, M., & Ingram, E. (accepted). Extratextual talk in public library storytime programs: A focus on questions. Journal of Early Childhood Research
- Ingram, E., & Cahill, M. (accepted). Depictions of diversity in books recommended for storytime: A cautionary tale. Libri.
Diane Francis (COM) and colleagues
- Pearce, K. Messerli, E., Leigh, M. L., Smalls, B., Francis, D. B., Yerramreddy, S., & Kiviniemi, M. (In Press). SARS-CoV-2 vaccine intentions in Kentucky. Journal of Appalachian Health.
- Wright, K., McFarland, J. S., & Francis, D. B. (In Press). When race and agency collide: Examining pregnant Black women’s experiences in healthcare. Journal of Applied Communication Research.
Diane Francis (COM), Andy Pilny (COM) and colleague
- Francis, D. B., Pilny, A., & Zelaya, C. M. (In Press). Predicting interpersonal cancer talk among Black women in the United States following Aretha Franklin’s death: The role of network-level factors. Journal of Applied Communication Research.
Montina Jiang (ISC) and colleagues
- Jiang, M., Yang, J., Joo, E., & Kim, T. (2022). Advertising Value during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Authenticity. Journal of Interactive Advertising.
Luke LeFebvre (SIS) and colleagues
- LeFebvre, L., Parsons, M. M., Entwistle, C., Boyd, R., & Allen, M. (2022). Rethinking PowerPoint slide design for multimedia learning. Journal of Educational Technology Systems. Advanced online version.