The University of Kentucky’s Accelerated Master’s Pathways (AMP) gives highly motivated students the opportunity to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in five years, instead of six. Qualified students can begin earning graduate credit during their undergraduate programs, allowing them to maximize their time on campus and return on their educational investment – earning up to 12 dual credit hours at no additional cost.
- Undergraduate GPA must be a 3.0 overall.
- Undergraduate students who have completed between 60-105 credit hours.
- Students must have a selected area of interest.
- Students must not be undecided, exploratory or pre-major.
- Students will need to meet with their Academic Advisor.
- Complete the Expression of Interest Form with your advisor for approval.
How AMP Works
Explore and Connect - Explore your interests using the list of eligible programs. Each master’s program lists possible pathways you can take as an undergrad such as suggested majors, minors and certificates.
Confirm - Submit the Expression of Interest Form when you have earned between 60 - 105 credit hours.
Get AMPed up - Complete or continue your undergraduate studies in the suggested major/minor/certificate pathway.
Accelerate - As an AMP student, enroll in appropriate graduate courses as an undergrad.
Apply - Your last semester as an undergraduate, apply to The Graduate School for your program.
Graduate - Complete your final year as a graduate student, with up to 12 graduate credits
Tips for Applying
- Reach out directly to the program you are interested in to learn details!
- Review the undergraduate majors, minors and certificates listed here that are pathways that may help you best prepare for the associated master’s program.
- Meet with your advisor and submit the Expression of Interest Form to be eligible for AMP – which allows for graduate courses you may take to count towards your undergraduate degree.
- Stay in contact with your undergraduate advisor and your chosen master’s program as you continue your undergraduate studies.
- Enroll in courses with the guidance of your target master’s program and your undergraduate advisor.
Find more information about the program here.