Beecher Reuning at Kentucky Unmasked.
On Nov. 1, 2024, School of Journalism and Media Assistant Professor Beecher Reuning participated in the Kentucky Unmasked and shared their story about revealing their non-binary identity.
When the time came for Reuning to take the stage, they shared their struggle with gender identity and how their journey as a filmmaker aided in their self-discovery.
“The bulk of my time was spent talking about my first short film, which I made for $50 while getting my undergraduate degree in a strict religious environment,” Reuning said. “It was meant to highlight the arts, filmmaking and storytelling as necessary and sometimes life-saving outlets for people to explore different aspects of themselves.”
This event is dedicated to leaving the floor open for storytellers to get personal and share their own vulnerable stories related to gender identity, body autonomy and neurodivergence; all with the overarching theme of shaping a more authentic life and identity. With this safe space for vulnerability, the Kentucky Unmasked event unified a wide variety of individuals, each having to have found themselves through their own personal struggles.
“This was such an uplifting event,” Reuning said. “It was so encouraging to spend the night alongside such brave and diverse individuals from all over Kentucky. I was honored to have the chance to share a stage with them.”
Read about the event here: https://kentuckyunmasked.com/