Students visit KDLA archives.
On Friday, April 12, Brain Real, assistant professor in the UK School of Information Science, arranged for a graduate student tour of the Kentucky Department of Libraries and Archives (KDLA) in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Stops along the tour included the State Library Services, Research Room, third floor of the building, Library Development Branch and the Kentucky Talking Book Library. Highlights of the tour included learning about government documents that KDLA has available for the public to conduct family research, services KDLA provides to public library staff and state/local government offices, circulating collections KDLA has for public libraries, and the Talking Book Library, which provides audiobooks and braille books to persons with visual impairments throughout the state.
The tour served as a great opportunity for students and faculty to network. Although the tour was primarily for students and alumni of the MSLS program, members of the local library community and other interested persons were also welcomed.
Find photos from the tour below.