JAM Fest 2024
The School of Journalism and Media held its second annual JAM Fest on Thursday, Sept. 19, on the Blazer Dining Hall lawn. The event brought students in journalism, media arts and studies as well as undecided majors together to meet School faculty and learn more about what the programs have to offer.
“This year's JAM Fest was another great success,” said Erika Engstrom, director of the School of Journalism and Media. “We had dozens of students in our programs and those interested in majoring in journalism and media arts and studies attend the festival, as well as student groups and student media on campus. The goal of JAM Fest is to get our students familiar with the many opportunities here at University of Kentucky for getting into the media professions even before graduation.”
JAM Fest consisted of students talking to student organizations that were tabling, getting JAM swag and eating pizza. The event was a great opportunity for students to socialize and get to know more about the School of Journalism and Media.
“We intend to make JAM Fest a tradition and look forward to holding it in the heart of campus next year after we move into the new facilities in Pence Hall,” Engstrom said, referring to the planned move of most of the College of Communication and Information into historic Pence Hall in the summer of 2025.