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Jacob Tamme

Director - Sports and Entertainment Division at Meridian Wealth Management


Integrated Strategic Communication

Year Graduated: 



Danville, KY

Current City: 

Danville, KY

Current Employer: 

Director - Sports and Entertainment Division at Meridian Wealth Management

Top played song on your playlist?: 

Anything from NeedtoBreathe

Where has your CI degree taken you?: 

To the NFL! Colts 2008-2011, Broncos 2012-2014, Falcons 2015-2016.

Ha, seriously it has aided me in the business world as a small business owner and a financial advisor.

What is your favorite thing about your job?: 

I love helping people make sense of their financial situation and having the ability to impact multiple generations within a family.

What¹s the most valuable thing you learned in CI?: 

The most valuable thing I learned in the College of Communication and Information was how to effectively communicate a message. 

What advice would you give to current CI students?: 

Work hard and network as much as you can.

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