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The Canon 80D is a DSLR camera.

Aperture / Iris / f-stop

In order to adjust the aperture on the camera, the top dial will need to be in M (Manual) or Av (Aperture Priority).

When in Manual mode, the Quick Control Dial will adjust the Aperture setting.


Canon 80D Quick Control Dial


When in Aperture Priority mode, the Main Dial will adjust the Aperture setting.


Canon 80D Main Dial


Shutter Speed

In order to adjust the shutter speed on the camera, the top dial will need to be in M (Manual) or Tv (Shutter Priority).

When in either Manual or Shutter Priority mode, the Main Dial will adjust the Shutter Speed setting.


Canon 80D Main Dial

340 McVey Hall
155 Graham Avenue
Lexington, KY 40506-0045

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