October 15, 2024
UK students working with Downtown Lexington Partnership for holiday parade

ISC students partner with Downtown Lexington Partnership for Lexington Holiday Parade
Students in the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information's integrated strategic communication (ISC) event planning course are partnering with Downtown Lexington Partnership (DLP) to once again spread some holiday cheer to the community.
Along with DLP Director of Development and Events Laura Farnsworth, students are helping to plan, organize and execute this year’s holiday parade.
“Downtown Lexington Partnership is excited to once again partner with University of Kentucky students from the ISC event planning class to produce an exciting, family-friendly event downtown,” said Farnsworth. “We encourage all interested businesses, clubs and nonprofit organizations to register for the parade downtown and bring holiday joy to thousands of guests on a crisp, December morning.”
Throughout the next month, students will be helping register parade participants. This year’s parade will be 11a.m. Dec. 7. The deadline to register for the parade is Nov. 29.
Organizations interested in participating in this year’s parade should contact Farnsworth at laura@downtownlex.com or Ansley Bayless at ansley.bayless@uky.edu.
This year’s parade application can be found at https://www.downtownlex.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2024-Parade-Application.pdf