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Explore below to familiarize yourself with internship opportunities based on your major.


The Department of Communication internship course (COM 399) offers communication majors the opportunity to gain experience in communication through work in industry, government, education and non-profit organizations. This course is graded as a pass-fail course and may be repeated to a maximum of six credits. A maximum of three credits may be counted towards the communication major. A student works 50 hours for each credit hour earned. For example, for three credit hours the student works 150 hours over the course of the semester.


  • Must be a declared communication major with upper division status.
  • Have successfully completed a minimum of six hours of COM courses numbered 325 or higher.
  • Have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA in pre-COM/COM courses.

Departmental Contact

Don Lowe

Getting Started

Click here for more information.


All information communication technology majors are required to complete a credit-bearing internship before graduation. An ICT 399 internship aims to provide students an opportunity to participate in services that are part of a professional ICT program. This is accomplished through supervised work-and-learning experience in a professional environment under the direction of a University faculty member and an employee of a participating firm. 


  • Must have junior or senior standing and have successfully completed two 300-level ICT courses.
  • Qualifying students may earn a maximum of three hours of academic credit for a professional internships under the ICT 399 course title.

Departmental Contact

Sarah Jane Kaelin

Getting Started

Click here for more information.


ISC majors find their ISC internship is one of the most enlightening and educational elements of their college experience. It’s where you gain career-ready polish in a professional setting. Start planning and looking for an internship early.


  • Declared major in ISC with upper-division status.
  • Successful completion of 18-credit hours of ISC coursework at or above the 300 level.

Departmental Contact

Stacey Gish

Getting Started

Click here for more information.


For many JAM majors, their careers start before graduation thanks to our student media opportunities and internship programs. All journalism and media arts and studies majors are required to complete an internship as part of their undergraduate curriculum. Students have the opportunity to complete their internships in media capitals such as Chicago, New York and Los Angeles at world-renowned companies, in addition to staying closer to home and working at local news organizations and companies.

Departmental Contact

Jennifer Smith

Getting Started

Click here for more information.

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