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University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information Department of Communication Chair Elisia Cohen was honored as the 2016 Mayhew Derryberry Award recipient at the Public Health Education and Health Promotion Awards luncheon in Denver, Colorado, earlier this month.  
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky is vulnerable for an HIV outbreak based on intravenous drug use. Out of 220 counties in the country that are at risk, 54 of those counties are located in Kentucky. Lisa A. Brown, director of student and multicultural affairs in the School of Journalism and Media in the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information, says that although these numbers are startling, we are not powerless in reversing these trends.
Want to get to know the people behind some of the biggest student leadership positions on campus? We did, too! That's why we've introduced "see blue." #selfie — a series on UKNow that lets student leaders from across campus tell us a little bit more about themselves and their organizations. Up this week, College of Communication and Information Ambassador Michael Ayers.
The news media’s coverage of the 2016 presidential election is the focus of a public panel discussion Tuesday at the University of Kentucky, sponsored by the UK student chapter and the Bluegrass chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).
The University of Kentucky Forensics Team won the prestigious Stephen J. Kopp Traveling Sweepstakes Award at the Marshall University Chief Justice Invitational speech and debate tournament. This award is given each year to the team with the greatest number of sweepstakes points from all current and past iterations of the tournament combined.
Sherali Zeadally recently became the first professor from the University of Kentucky College of Communication and Information to receive the prestigious University Research Professorship Award.
Scoobie Ryan, faculty advisor in the College of Communication and Information, was awarded the 2016 Ken Freedman Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award.
College of Communication and Information student Chanel Friday played a key role in founding the new Alpha Omicron Colony of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Incorporated at the University of Kentucky this year.


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