Nominee Information Name Department/Unit Nominator Information Name Phone Number Email Address Award Information Name - Select -Faculty Community ServiceFaculty ResearchFaculty Teaching ExcellenceFriend of the CollegeGraduate Teaching ExcellenceOutstanding CI AdvisorOutstanding Contributions to Diversity, Equity and InclusionOutstanding Staff Please provide a description of the nominee’s community servicework and a brief explanation of the importance of this service to the College and to our community. Please provide a description of the nominee’s achievements in research and explain how each contributes to the nominee’s program of scholarship. Describe your nominee’s command of the subject matter and the strategies used to engage students in the classroom. Include how the nominee has demonstrated interest in the out-of-class development of students. Please provide a brief description of the nominee and how they have provided support to the College or one of its units (including involvement in programs, volunteering, committee participation or internship offerings). Please provide an explanation of why you believe this nominee is deserving of this award. Please list all areas where they go above and beyond in their dedication to student success. Nominees for this award can be either faculty or staff. Please provide examples that demonstrate how the nominee's efforts have contributed to promoting diversity, equity or inclusion in the College. Please give an explanation as to why the staff member should receive this award. Note: Staff must be employed with the College for one year before they are eligible for this award. Nominator - are you a student? - Select -YesNo Please provide the following information: Major Please list all classes you have taken with this faculty nominee. Make sure to provide course names and dates when taken. Please list all classes you have taken with this graduate instructor nominee. Make sure to provide course names and dates when taken. How long has the nominee been your advisor?